Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Is It Snowing Where You Are?

We've been watching the weather channel to keep tabs on all our friends living on the east coast!

WOW! Remember those snow days when we lived for ten years in northern West Virginia! Our boys loved sliding in the snow down the hill in front of our house.

Here's our lonely little snow sled from the 50's sitting in our living room here in Austin Texas with no snow here for it to come out and play.

This happens to be the same sled that my husband Clif played on when he was a little boy and our two boys Luke and James had so much fun playing in the snow when we lived in northern West Virginia back in the early 90's!

So many wonderful times of us all sledding down the hill in front of our home there in Charles Town W VA! What great memories!!

Would you like to create more beautiful memories with your family?

I will be giving a webinar training on ‘How To Find Hot Local Prospects For Your Business’.... sharpening people skills will also benefit anyone working with people from a team coop, leads purchased, people you meet online as well as in your local area!

So if you would like to sharpen your 'people' skills this training is for you!

-Where to find networking groups in your area and why this is so important for the future of your business -

-You'll learn some great one liners to break the ice and help you connect and ultimately bond and build instant rapport with more people at your networking events and every where you go including online and on the phone! Like dropping bread crumbs people will follow you anywhere!

-What do prospects feel is most important in choosing a company? Do you know the answer? Find out what and why knowing this is crucial to your success!

-Why learning people skills is so important if you want to succeed in Network Marketing! You can make your list all day long and contact them until you're blue in the face! If you do not learn people skills to build instant rapport you're done before you even start!

-Learning these people skills and putting them into action will be like scooping up FISH in a barrel!

When you become Passionate about what you're doing it becomes FUN AND PROFITABLE!

Register here>>>>>>> >https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/640077514

Dial In At >>>>>>> 773-945-1010 use access code 622-352-860#

We’ll see you there!

There's an old saying...A little lantern can do what the great sun can never do...it can shine in the night!

Decide To Believe!

Sue Seward

"You Can Have Anything You Want When You Help Enough Other People Get What They Want!" Zig Ziglar

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