Finding BIG Fish!
Copyright © 2000 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved. (Revised 2010)
It has taken some time to finally realize the importance of seeking out seriously motivated, self starting people that are looking for a new business opportunity right now. In other words, they are already in the looking zone and open to new ideas and ways to increase their revenue streams.
In the beginning I would sponsor anyone that would sign the paperwork! Everyone was a target! Not such a good thing, hey what do you expect from a newbie and besides that’s what we were taught to do.
Most of these people were really not serious and did not realize that a business takes consistent effort, persistence and focus. There’s no get rich quick over night success opportunities out there unless you plan to win the lottery someday and that someday may never come. It takes years of hard work and initiative.
If someone tells you they will build your business, or this system will build your business, turn the other way because that’s not true. Network Marketing is a real business just like any other business . You decide how much time to take.
There's no free lunch and no such thing as a downline building club. Emails come in from people I’ve never met saying “you have to join this X builder program now because you have a 100 people in your downline already!” Oh yeah? So who are these 100 people and where did they come from?
Personally I decided years ago to take on the attitude of Showshawme, an ordinary fellow who started years ago in Cell Tech. He is listed in Richard Poe's book Wave 3, under chapter 6, Catch a Big Fish. This particular story caught my eye because there are some valuable lessons to be learned about putting fishing lines in the water. Here's a little snippet -
"Showshawme is a "big fish". He's the sort of catch for which every new distributor in network marketing is avidly angling. Yet Showshawme is no superman. He has no special skills or unusual techniques. He’s just an ordinary fellow that does some extraordinary fishing.
How did he do it? Simple. Showshawme recruited other big fish. He says "my income didn't come from sponsoring lots of people," he says, "It came from sponsoring only two or three main lines. And from those two or three people, hundreds of thousands of other people have come."
Showshawme targeted his fish with a shrewd eye to their personal and professional spheres of influence. He knew exactly who he wanted to work with and how they would help him build his business. Then Showshawme zeroed in on his prospects with relentless persistence and won them to his cause. (he built relationships and made friends with people that he wanted to work with, people that had great circles of influence.
So the morale of this story is? Knowing whom to target and when to turn on the pressure are key skills that, when mastered, have the potential to turbo charge your business with an extraordinary Butterfly Effect.
Focus on learning these skills that will help you personally become a more effective leader, sponsor, Network Marketing Professional and develop into a fisher of people!
Now are you ready to go fishing and teach your team to fish?
We'll see you on this Thursday's training webinar –
Grow Your Business by Teaching Your Team To Fish
Thursday - April 8 at 9:00 PM EST
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Do you have a desire to move your business forward faster by contacting people who are in the looking zone right now?
Kathy Porter Diamond Team Leader in New York along with Director Sue Seward in Texas, will present the first of a two part training in their "Teach Your Team To Fish" webinar series.
Part One: working leads requires a successful mind set and consistent follow-up whether you're fishing on the internet, with leads you purchase or in your own backyard. We'll teach you the core skill sets to stock up your tackle box, bait your hooks and cast your lines.
If you are interested in learning how to work your leads more effectively and pick up some networking nuggets and ways to build in your local area join us -
April 8th – Thursday at – 9 pm EST
K.I.S.S. - Keep It Super Simple!
See you there! Bring your fishing poles!
Sue Seward
Sue is an entrepreneur, author, coach, loyal friend and team player who has been networking, connecting and building relationships online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons and enjoys bird watching, lake activities, gardening and gluten free cooking. Contributing author to
and The Network Marketing Business Journal, co-author of the
>The Direct Selling Women's Alliance
book ‘Build It Big’ – 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts & trainer on their Mentored By The Master Series CD.
>Spicewood Lions Club
>The Spicewood Lions Club