Well here we are at the end of another year and what a year huh gang?!! For many across our great country it's not been such a grand ole time. Many have lost their jobs, their pensions, their retirement and their hopes and dreams!
Here's what I just read in Joel Osteen's new book - 'It's Your Time' -
"God is saying to you: "If you will persevere even though it's difficult and believe even though you don't see anything happening, then I will step in and do what you can't do. I will make up for lost time. I will propel you to new levels. I will bring supernatural opportunities. I will open new doors. I will put the right people in your path. I will heal the sick. I will release you from debt and lack. The chains of addictions and wrong thinking will be broken off of you."
I remember when starting my home business back in 1996 with no income of my own, no corporate background, no degrees, no credibility, no contacts, no business experience and a little bit of confidence especially on the Internet which was quite a new experience. Not to mention a very cold market which sometimes was a bit scary.
Wayyy back then all we had was email, a few aol chat rooms and the telephone. We didn't have all these social networks although we were doing social networking before that name was even invented! haha!
What I did have though was a sincere desire to develop a profitable career in Network Marketing where I could have freedom to choose and not have anyone else choosing for me. A career where I have the opportunity to encourage and help other people achieve their dreams and goals.
Just starting out with nothing and building it little by little, inch by inch, never giving up through all the frustrations, disappointments, discouragement, downhill, uphill, around the hill and back up again. These past few years there were some serious health challenges to over come too that kept me from working for sometimes months at a time. God has healed me and He will heal you too!
Even though I was not able to work, my income never stopped. I earn a full time income all because of the decision to take a chance, believe , start from scratch and work at it for the first 3 to 5 years to develop a residual income that eventually paid off even when not able to work. With a job I would have been fired. If I was only retailing products I would have gone broke.
I encourage you now to get serious , set you plan for 2010 and decide to take action to activate your plan and your faith. Never give up on God and most importantly on yourself and then go out and encourage others to believe too! I believe in YOU!
All it takes is belief for miracles to happen! It's your time!
Decide To Believe!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
How A Career In Network Marketing Empowers Women To Empower Others!
From The Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
Surveys conducted by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) revealed that approximately 85.2% of direct sellers are women. For all you men out there, who are reading this article, think of all the excellent opportunities you have to sponsor more women to grow your organizations. Keep reading because all you guys will become empowered too!
Women are wired to network! Maybe it’s because most women have this ingrained sense of nurturing and the ability to put another person’s needs before their own. Women are usually great listeners and have been known to have eyes behind their head! Perhaps this starts when a woman has a baby and that baby depends totally on his or her mom for support therefore mom must put her needs aside to tend to her child first.
This article was started on November 16th, my Mom’s 81st birthday. She was one of the first women who encouraged me to reach out to help and encourage others and not let anyone steal the dream. She has always been a great listener with a keen sense of women’s intuition and yes she has eyes behind her head!
Network Marketing can be the perfect choice for women who tend to struggle with the decision to build a career outside the home or build a business from within the home embracing the entire family. Placing our children in the care of others is not a pleasant thought is it? I know it wasn’t for me personally. This is one of the main reasons why I chose to build a career in Network Marketing and focus on treating it like any other career rather than treating it more like a hobby.
For me personally working for someone else has never been appealing. The thought of being a prisoner with the ole ball and chain comes to mind so this gave me the incentive to give it the right focus to never give up no matter what.
The love of developing into a connector turning networking into match making was not only appealing it’s actually become a lot of fun. Connecting people becomes a profession in itself. It’s time for people to stop seeing the Network Marketing industry as a get rich quick lottery deal and start using more women’s intuition to advance our industry. When more people wake up to this phenomenal concept we will begin to see a heck of a lot more growth in our profession. Women can be at the forefront of this phenomenon just by learning to become a better people connector.
Walk into a networking event and watch how the women who realize the value of this concept conduct themselves. They are going to most likely be the ones walking away with some valuable contacts after they’ve had a little match making fun.
When walking into the next networking event try a little experiment. See how many people you can connect up together. Consider this a connect the dot experiment! The more people you connect the more referrals you’re going to walk out with! Do not focus on yourself, instead totally focus on them. Take a genuine interest in every person you are connecting with and listen to people because when you focus on what they are saying they will give you clues. Keep your antenna up to pick up on those clues and when you sense any sort of negative vibes from someone that means to back off because you’re probably focusing too much on your own agenda and not focusing on what’s important to them.
After you introduce yourself zero in on them by asking what they do, what’s important to them and then, hold your tongue! Ask them who would be a good referral for them and then make sure you connect them with that referral by following through on what you say you are going to do.
Network Marketing is one of the only industries that actually give a person, any person, the chance to take back the American dream and there are no glass ceilings here for women! We can climb as high as we want to go and help as many people get there that want to come along with us including our family.
A profession in Network Marketing allows women like me who barely made it out of high school with no college degree, to build a solid career that pays as much or more than some people who have degrees. A Network Marketing career even pays someone when they’re not able to work. I experienced this first hand when going through some serious health challenges and through it all the income was secure.
Where else can someone earn an income even if they are not able to work with the exception of government assistance?
In network marketing the income earned is determined by the effort each person decides to devote versus taking a handout. It’s more of a hand up! Instead of giving people an apple to feed them for one day we teach people to plant an apple orchard and feed them for life. That’s what we do in Network Marketing every day when we empower others and teach them a new way to build their life for the better.
This profession gives women incredible leadership and character growth which can be considered priceless for a woman like me who had no experience, income, credibility, contacts, little confidence, and no corporate background when starting out many years ago. If it was all lost today confidence is built up to know it could be done all over again.
Experience, self-development and leadership character is something to work at every single day and not something that’s handed out for nothing. Self-development is an ongoing process no matter how successful a person becomes. The possibilities are endless in Network Marketing for the woman who sees what this profession really has to offer beyond just the income.
Some people get into Network Marketing with the ole ‘I'll give it a try’ attitude and never set their enterprise up like a real business entity right from the start. It's not being treated like a real business because there’s no real plan. Jim Rohn says “when you fail you failed to plan!”
When Network Marketing is treated more like a hobby people may pick up on that attitude and say “Oh she’s just a stay at home mom with a little hobby on the side.” Prove them wrong by developing the skills to boost your enterprise to a full time income career that can give you the leverage and freedom to do the important things you cherish like having more time to take care of your family.
A lot of times in Network Marketing we hear people say “you mean there's an investment to get started and to develop myself? “ What happens is people who do not get started right in the first place may end up quitting because delayed gratification is too difficult to wait for or they do not understand the importance of long term personal growth.
Entrepreneurs constantly invest in themselves and usually work without pay for many years. They understand delayed gratification because they realize that the eventual pay off can be huge. Many experience losses and overcome those too because they’ve grown personally and have the confidence to do it all over again. Entrepreneurs act and present themselves as professionals with a business minded attitude. Having this sort of attitude will create more attraction to your enterprise. Strive to develop into an entrepreneur. There’s a great DVD on this called ‘The Call of the Entrepreneur’.
It's up to the leaders in our industry to show professionalism at all times. It’s important not to bash another person's company or product or try and talk someone into or convince them to join your company when they have said they are happy with what they are doing. Help people to realize that they too can be successful and then show them how to get there on their time schedule by finding out what their dreams and goals are.
One of the main priorities for building a career in Network Marketing has been the ability to provide opportunities for our children.
We brought our son James to Austin to play tennis a few years ago he was a very weak player, a pudgy 14 year old who was 30 pounds heavier, who they had to take and mold like a piece of clay. He has had to work very hard to compete here with kids who have been playing tennis since they were seven or eight years old. Most of them were way ahead of him. He has made it this far because he has a sincere desire to become an excellent tennis player and obtain a college scholarship.
For many months we thought that we had made a mistake and were wasting time and money because we just were not seeing him winning the matches and moving up in levels. It has been grueling to watch him lose match after match. Not really realizing that he's right on target with his development in becoming an incredible athlete as well as an exceptional leader. These are skills that will take him far into his future and tennis is a sport he can play for the rest of his life!
At the end of the year party we were shocked to hear that our son was giving the end of the year speech! James is a young man of few words and very low key. He took the challenge the coach gave him and we had tears of joy when he gave his speech loud and clear in front of over 50 people including his peers! This took a tremendous amount of courage and gave us hope and reassurance that we've done the right thing by giving him the opportunity to grow into the leader he is becoming! Mom was extremely proud that day and very thankful for Network Marketing.
The same thing can happen for women and really anyone who chooses to build a solid lasting career in Network Marketing. Think of the possibilities it can give your children.
When we do all the right things now we will see the positive results come back to us in the near future. Three, four or even five years are not much time to invest in the freedom that a career in network marketing can provide for women. What does it matter as long as we get there right?
As a woman, wife and mom, it’s been a sheer joy to create a career in Network Marketing. I’m extremely proud to be living in a country where women have the freedom to choose a profession and build it around the family. I appreciate how this industry has empowered me personally as a woman. It’s an honor to give back to the greatest opportunity in the history of the world and empower everyone whose lives we touch along the way!
Sue is an entrepreneur, wife, mom, coach and has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. She is a contributing author to ‘The Network Marketing Magazine’ and co-author of the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance book ‘Build It Big’. To learn more about how to develop your plan B and to subscribe to her newsletter visit - >http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
Surveys conducted by the Direct Selling Association (DSA) revealed that approximately 85.2% of direct sellers are women. For all you men out there, who are reading this article, think of all the excellent opportunities you have to sponsor more women to grow your organizations. Keep reading because all you guys will become empowered too!
Women are wired to network! Maybe it’s because most women have this ingrained sense of nurturing and the ability to put another person’s needs before their own. Women are usually great listeners and have been known to have eyes behind their head! Perhaps this starts when a woman has a baby and that baby depends totally on his or her mom for support therefore mom must put her needs aside to tend to her child first.
This article was started on November 16th, my Mom’s 81st birthday. She was one of the first women who encouraged me to reach out to help and encourage others and not let anyone steal the dream. She has always been a great listener with a keen sense of women’s intuition and yes she has eyes behind her head!
Network Marketing can be the perfect choice for women who tend to struggle with the decision to build a career outside the home or build a business from within the home embracing the entire family. Placing our children in the care of others is not a pleasant thought is it? I know it wasn’t for me personally. This is one of the main reasons why I chose to build a career in Network Marketing and focus on treating it like any other career rather than treating it more like a hobby.
For me personally working for someone else has never been appealing. The thought of being a prisoner with the ole ball and chain comes to mind so this gave me the incentive to give it the right focus to never give up no matter what.
The love of developing into a connector turning networking into match making was not only appealing it’s actually become a lot of fun. Connecting people becomes a profession in itself. It’s time for people to stop seeing the Network Marketing industry as a get rich quick lottery deal and start using more women’s intuition to advance our industry. When more people wake up to this phenomenal concept we will begin to see a heck of a lot more growth in our profession. Women can be at the forefront of this phenomenon just by learning to become a better people connector.
Walk into a networking event and watch how the women who realize the value of this concept conduct themselves. They are going to most likely be the ones walking away with some valuable contacts after they’ve had a little match making fun.
When walking into the next networking event try a little experiment. See how many people you can connect up together. Consider this a connect the dot experiment! The more people you connect the more referrals you’re going to walk out with! Do not focus on yourself, instead totally focus on them. Take a genuine interest in every person you are connecting with and listen to people because when you focus on what they are saying they will give you clues. Keep your antenna up to pick up on those clues and when you sense any sort of negative vibes from someone that means to back off because you’re probably focusing too much on your own agenda and not focusing on what’s important to them.
After you introduce yourself zero in on them by asking what they do, what’s important to them and then, hold your tongue! Ask them who would be a good referral for them and then make sure you connect them with that referral by following through on what you say you are going to do.
Network Marketing is one of the only industries that actually give a person, any person, the chance to take back the American dream and there are no glass ceilings here for women! We can climb as high as we want to go and help as many people get there that want to come along with us including our family.
A profession in Network Marketing allows women like me who barely made it out of high school with no college degree, to build a solid career that pays as much or more than some people who have degrees. A Network Marketing career even pays someone when they’re not able to work. I experienced this first hand when going through some serious health challenges and through it all the income was secure.
Where else can someone earn an income even if they are not able to work with the exception of government assistance?
In network marketing the income earned is determined by the effort each person decides to devote versus taking a handout. It’s more of a hand up! Instead of giving people an apple to feed them for one day we teach people to plant an apple orchard and feed them for life. That’s what we do in Network Marketing every day when we empower others and teach them a new way to build their life for the better.
This profession gives women incredible leadership and character growth which can be considered priceless for a woman like me who had no experience, income, credibility, contacts, little confidence, and no corporate background when starting out many years ago. If it was all lost today confidence is built up to know it could be done all over again.
Experience, self-development and leadership character is something to work at every single day and not something that’s handed out for nothing. Self-development is an ongoing process no matter how successful a person becomes. The possibilities are endless in Network Marketing for the woman who sees what this profession really has to offer beyond just the income.
Some people get into Network Marketing with the ole ‘I'll give it a try’ attitude and never set their enterprise up like a real business entity right from the start. It's not being treated like a real business because there’s no real plan. Jim Rohn says “when you fail you failed to plan!”
When Network Marketing is treated more like a hobby people may pick up on that attitude and say “Oh she’s just a stay at home mom with a little hobby on the side.” Prove them wrong by developing the skills to boost your enterprise to a full time income career that can give you the leverage and freedom to do the important things you cherish like having more time to take care of your family.
A lot of times in Network Marketing we hear people say “you mean there's an investment to get started and to develop myself? “ What happens is people who do not get started right in the first place may end up quitting because delayed gratification is too difficult to wait for or they do not understand the importance of long term personal growth.
Entrepreneurs constantly invest in themselves and usually work without pay for many years. They understand delayed gratification because they realize that the eventual pay off can be huge. Many experience losses and overcome those too because they’ve grown personally and have the confidence to do it all over again. Entrepreneurs act and present themselves as professionals with a business minded attitude. Having this sort of attitude will create more attraction to your enterprise. Strive to develop into an entrepreneur. There’s a great DVD on this called ‘The Call of the Entrepreneur’.
It's up to the leaders in our industry to show professionalism at all times. It’s important not to bash another person's company or product or try and talk someone into or convince them to join your company when they have said they are happy with what they are doing. Help people to realize that they too can be successful and then show them how to get there on their time schedule by finding out what their dreams and goals are.
One of the main priorities for building a career in Network Marketing has been the ability to provide opportunities for our children.
We brought our son James to Austin to play tennis a few years ago he was a very weak player, a pudgy 14 year old who was 30 pounds heavier, who they had to take and mold like a piece of clay. He has had to work very hard to compete here with kids who have been playing tennis since they were seven or eight years old. Most of them were way ahead of him. He has made it this far because he has a sincere desire to become an excellent tennis player and obtain a college scholarship.
For many months we thought that we had made a mistake and were wasting time and money because we just were not seeing him winning the matches and moving up in levels. It has been grueling to watch him lose match after match. Not really realizing that he's right on target with his development in becoming an incredible athlete as well as an exceptional leader. These are skills that will take him far into his future and tennis is a sport he can play for the rest of his life!
At the end of the year party we were shocked to hear that our son was giving the end of the year speech! James is a young man of few words and very low key. He took the challenge the coach gave him and we had tears of joy when he gave his speech loud and clear in front of over 50 people including his peers! This took a tremendous amount of courage and gave us hope and reassurance that we've done the right thing by giving him the opportunity to grow into the leader he is becoming! Mom was extremely proud that day and very thankful for Network Marketing.
The same thing can happen for women and really anyone who chooses to build a solid lasting career in Network Marketing. Think of the possibilities it can give your children.
When we do all the right things now we will see the positive results come back to us in the near future. Three, four or even five years are not much time to invest in the freedom that a career in network marketing can provide for women. What does it matter as long as we get there right?
As a woman, wife and mom, it’s been a sheer joy to create a career in Network Marketing. I’m extremely proud to be living in a country where women have the freedom to choose a profession and build it around the family. I appreciate how this industry has empowered me personally as a woman. It’s an honor to give back to the greatest opportunity in the history of the world and empower everyone whose lives we touch along the way!
Sue is an entrepreneur, wife, mom, coach and has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. She is a contributing author to ‘The Network Marketing Magazine’ and co-author of the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance book ‘Build It Big’. To learn more about how to develop your plan B and to subscribe to her newsletter visit - >http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thyroid Issues
Are you experiencing some of these health issues? Migraines, foggyness, memory loss, join pain, hair loss, cold hands and feet, fatigue, depression?
I'm writing this because it may help others who have experienced the same health issues regarding their thyroid.
I have struggled with thyroid issues for many years and took prescription synthroid for over 30 years up until about three years ago when I started to see a holistic doctor and started on natural medicine for my thyroid. After taking synthroid for all these years my bone density showed osteopenia.
For three years it was an up hill battle and for at least the last two years in 2007 and 2008 I became very seriously ill almost to the point of walking with a cain!
Thank God my income is residual because there were a lot of times that I was not able to work for many weeks and sometimes could barely get out of bed.
My memory was fading, sometimes I could barely speak or get words out of my mouth. It was like dementia! I was aging very quickly right in front of my family. My husband and two sons were very concerned as were family and friends.
I saw three different holistic doctors who put me on various nutritional supplements and they would help for awhile and then I would spiral down again. Sometimes with horrible pain in my joints so bad that I was taking showers ever thirty minutes just to relieve the pain! My hair was falling out and my skin was was shriveling up and very dry, debilitating migraines, memory loss, foggy, fatigue, depression.
Finally about two months ago I discovered that there was a medical doctor here close to where we live that ordered all of my blood work once again. He said that my TSH levels were higher than he had ever seen - 154+! My iron was also low which could also explain some of the fatigue.
He put me on Amour Thyroid and within two weeks I was feeling so much better! My hair stopped falling out and I started to think better. I've been on Amour thyroid now for over two months and still feeling better than I have in years!
Now that I have finally found something that has helped, it appears that Amour may be banned by the FDA!
We must speak out and stop this maddness! Our health care industry is in serious trouble as it is! People are sick and dying! We do not need the government telling us what we can and cannot take to build up our health!
Here's a link to Dr. Andrew Jones website - he is a medical doctor that teaches more about thyroid issues -
Here is the medical doctor that I went to for Amour Thyroid medicine -
Natural Bio Health
Sue Seward
I'm writing this because it may help others who have experienced the same health issues regarding their thyroid.
I have struggled with thyroid issues for many years and took prescription synthroid for over 30 years up until about three years ago when I started to see a holistic doctor and started on natural medicine for my thyroid. After taking synthroid for all these years my bone density showed osteopenia.
For three years it was an up hill battle and for at least the last two years in 2007 and 2008 I became very seriously ill almost to the point of walking with a cain!
Thank God my income is residual because there were a lot of times that I was not able to work for many weeks and sometimes could barely get out of bed.
My memory was fading, sometimes I could barely speak or get words out of my mouth. It was like dementia! I was aging very quickly right in front of my family. My husband and two sons were very concerned as were family and friends.
I saw three different holistic doctors who put me on various nutritional supplements and they would help for awhile and then I would spiral down again. Sometimes with horrible pain in my joints so bad that I was taking showers ever thirty minutes just to relieve the pain! My hair was falling out and my skin was was shriveling up and very dry, debilitating migraines, memory loss, foggy, fatigue, depression.
Finally about two months ago I discovered that there was a medical doctor here close to where we live that ordered all of my blood work once again. He said that my TSH levels were higher than he had ever seen - 154+! My iron was also low which could also explain some of the fatigue.
He put me on Amour Thyroid and within two weeks I was feeling so much better! My hair stopped falling out and I started to think better. I've been on Amour thyroid now for over two months and still feeling better than I have in years!
Now that I have finally found something that has helped, it appears that Amour may be banned by the FDA!
We must speak out and stop this maddness! Our health care industry is in serious trouble as it is! People are sick and dying! We do not need the government telling us what we can and cannot take to build up our health!
Here's a link to Dr. Andrew Jones website - he is a medical doctor that teaches more about thyroid issues -
Here is the medical doctor that I went to for Amour Thyroid medicine -
Natural Bio Health
Sue Seward
Monday, October 19, 2009
Social Media Marketing Tips
Social Media marketing tips from my good friend and mentor Doug Fireball -see his website link below too for some awesome passion fire training and be sure to become friends on Facebook, see links below!
The Power of the GREAT UNDERSTANDING in Social Media Marketing
It was all over the place recently at the blogworld expo
People tweeting about it, blogging about it, sending mobile
uploads, podcasting live, ustreaming about it.
What a great event and I love las vegas and the climate. But also
the greatest part of it was the education that someone could learn
from it.
I would suggest that you get on the bandwagon and be there next
year. Scott Monty was there. The founders of twitter. Many
different Directors of social media was here for many fortune 500
And Scott was even interviewed on CNN about the social media
revolution. GO Scott! How about Chris Brogan? And all the speakers
there? it was an AMAZING chance to learn and grow in social media.
Why am I telling you this?
Social media is FOR REAl.
And it is happening bigger and grander than you could ever imagine.
And it is in its infancy. If you have a traditional business or
even a home business, you need to understand what i call the GREAT
UNDERSTANDING of Social Media.
The Train is getting ready to leave the station and if you are not
on it, you will be left behind and playing catch up for a long
Twitter. facebook. Youtube. LinkedIn. Stumbleupon. Wordpress.
Help.com. Digg.com Ping.fm. Mybloglog.com And the list is 3,5OO
sites strong.
Get in social media.
Get ON THE TRAIN (and stay there everyday. Not just every once in
while. It MUST be daily.)
Get in the conversation.
Get out of the ancient thinking.
And GET WITH the rest of the folks who do get it and start looking
to social media as an incredible way to market, communicate, build
relationships, get your message out, and connect with your market.
Understand these 5 Great things:
1) Video Communicationis taking over the web and marketing. It is
the new TV station. You MUST adjust and start video marketing with
a relentless focus as video will soon be the new billboards on the
internet highway. Get you a flip video camera and GO.
2) Blog communicationis the new way people look for articles and in
many respects, it is the new newspaper. If you do not blog, then
you are not in the coming mainstream media or power communication.
Put your thoughts on a blog and rock the world.
3) Social Nedworkingis the new way people shake hands initally and
get to know each other. We all have networked, but this is
networking on steriods. You MUST become good at it, and help others
become good at it. This alone will explode your business and
4) Podcast communcation is the new radio. Get yourself on
blogtalkradio as well as other podcast sites and make sure that you
do this weekly. It can drive traffic to you like a tsunami. Become
a radio personality like my friend Tom Chenault. It is a GREAT way
to get your message out.
5) Social Bookmarking is the new way to organize and publicize your
marketing efforts and content. You have heard of digg.com, and
reddit.com. Use them daily and befriend folks as they will help get
your message out in a more powerrful and exposure soaked way..
Do NOT miss thie train. It is geting ready, like a bullet, to leave
the station folks.
Social Media marketing is amazing tool. Be amazing with it in your
social media blueprint.
COMING SOON...the hottest Social Media Marketing training project
is launching January 15, 2010.
blessings...doug firebaugh
(c) 2009/ all rights reserved
Be sure to become friends with Doug on facebook too!
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." Dale Carnegie
Sue Seward
The Power of the GREAT UNDERSTANDING in Social Media Marketing
It was all over the place recently at the blogworld expo
People tweeting about it, blogging about it, sending mobile
uploads, podcasting live, ustreaming about it.
What a great event and I love las vegas and the climate. But also
the greatest part of it was the education that someone could learn
from it.
I would suggest that you get on the bandwagon and be there next
year. Scott Monty was there. The founders of twitter. Many
different Directors of social media was here for many fortune 500
And Scott was even interviewed on CNN about the social media
revolution. GO Scott! How about Chris Brogan? And all the speakers
there? it was an AMAZING chance to learn and grow in social media.
Why am I telling you this?
Social media is FOR REAl.
And it is happening bigger and grander than you could ever imagine.
And it is in its infancy. If you have a traditional business or
even a home business, you need to understand what i call the GREAT
UNDERSTANDING of Social Media.
The Train is getting ready to leave the station and if you are not
on it, you will be left behind and playing catch up for a long
Twitter. facebook. Youtube. LinkedIn. Stumbleupon. Wordpress.
Help.com. Digg.com Ping.fm. Mybloglog.com And the list is 3,5OO
sites strong.
Get in social media.
Get ON THE TRAIN (and stay there everyday. Not just every once in
while. It MUST be daily.)
Get in the conversation.
Get out of the ancient thinking.
And GET WITH the rest of the folks who do get it and start looking
to social media as an incredible way to market, communicate, build
relationships, get your message out, and connect with your market.
Understand these 5 Great things:
1) Video Communicationis taking over the web and marketing. It is
the new TV station. You MUST adjust and start video marketing with
a relentless focus as video will soon be the new billboards on the
internet highway. Get you a flip video camera and GO.
2) Blog communicationis the new way people look for articles and in
many respects, it is the new newspaper. If you do not blog, then
you are not in the coming mainstream media or power communication.
Put your thoughts on a blog and rock the world.
3) Social Nedworkingis the new way people shake hands initally and
get to know each other. We all have networked, but this is
networking on steriods. You MUST become good at it, and help others
become good at it. This alone will explode your business and
4) Podcast communcation is the new radio. Get yourself on
blogtalkradio as well as other podcast sites and make sure that you
do this weekly. It can drive traffic to you like a tsunami. Become
a radio personality like my friend Tom Chenault. It is a GREAT way
to get your message out.
5) Social Bookmarking is the new way to organize and publicize your
marketing efforts and content. You have heard of digg.com, and
reddit.com. Use them daily and befriend folks as they will help get
your message out in a more powerrful and exposure soaked way..
Do NOT miss thie train. It is geting ready, like a bullet, to leave
the station folks.
Social Media marketing is amazing tool. Be amazing with it in your
social media blueprint.
COMING SOON...the hottest Social Media Marketing training project
is launching January 15, 2010.
blessings...doug firebaugh
(c) 2009/ all rights reserved
Be sure to become friends with Doug on facebook too!
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." Dale Carnegie
Sue Seward
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Time To Connect Is NOW!
When is the right time to make a connection with someone to share with them about your business and/or your products?
When is the right time to make the connection with people who find you through the internet and leads you generate from the Internet? What about just letting the "system" do it all for us?
What's the best time to call and introduce ourselves and make a connection with people?
There's no time like the present! The time to connect with people is always right NOW! Whether it's a lead from your website or someone you meet in town while at the post office, at the grocery store, at your kids sports events, or at your favorite restaurant. At some point you've got to pick up the phone and connect with people if you're going to be in business.
Introduce yourself, share your story and most importantly listen to their story! As you listen to people share their story, find out how you can help them.
Even if someone already has a business they may be happy with at the time, listen to why and make the connection anyway because you never know what will happen. Someday they just might be looking again. When they are they'll most likely connect with you because you took the time to connect with them and showed you cared by keeping in touch and connecting them with others who could help them.
Ask people how you can help them in their business. Who's a good client for them? Be on their side! Let them know you've got their back! Connect with them and they will connect with you!
Automation is great and it only takes this whole process so far to bring you people. Then it's up to you to take the connection a step further. Even with qualified people who actually may sign up right on your website before speaking with you, you're going to have to connect by speaking with them to start building a relationship if you plan to build a solid foundation in your business.
Wouldn’t you rather build your foundation on rock so it will last?
It's so important as you form alliances with people that you connect them to others within your inner circle of business leaders as well. Because the more people you connect together the more solid your business relationships become which will grow your business.
Stop sitting around waiting and wondering when the right time would be to make a connection with someone. You can always come up with a reason why it’s not the “right” time or why “not” to connect with people or even a certain person that you're too nervous to connect with because you feel they are more important than you.
Everyone loves to be connected with even the most important well connected person you may ever meet will want to connect with you! Why? Because they will love connecting you with others they know too! Just ask them for help or advice, you'll see. :)
You may have butterflies in your stomach or you’re feeling nervous, so what? That happens to everyone, even the most seasoned networkers!
There's never a wrong time to make a connection with people. Being nervous is natural. Never let anything stop you from making a connection because making connections with people are priceless when you keep their interest at heart!
Think about it this way, every person you connect with you have an opportunity to change their life in a very positive way! You have a chance to 'give' that person encouragement, hope, friendship and even possibly a partnership. These are all possibilities as you connect with people.
Some say we find the best fruit way out on a limb and you've got to take a risk to get it! I've got a photo of a beautiful beach with a Star Fish framed on my office wall that says 'Reach For The Stars They Are Closer Than You May Think!'.
So if you’ve got butterflies fluttering in your stomach, just jump in and as Nike says 'Just DO IT!' Go ahead and take the plunge! What’s the worse that can happen? By doing so you'll realize you've now become an entrepreneur! Entrepreneurs are always making connections! It’s how we survive!
Stop paralyzing yourself and your business by sitting like the dirt waiting for something to be put into it– pick up your phone or while you're out and about connect with someone! Even if it's just by 'giving' a stranger you see in the grocery store your smile! :) Send someone an uplifting card or email.
Encourage someone today! Give them hope! They are waiting for you to connect with them and to connect you with that special someone you may not have met otherwise!
Sue is an entrepreneur, author and Network Marketing coach who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in her profession and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM & online marketing training visit - ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
When is the right time to make the connection with people who find you through the internet and leads you generate from the Internet? What about just letting the "system" do it all for us?
What's the best time to call and introduce ourselves and make a connection with people?
There's no time like the present! The time to connect with people is always right NOW! Whether it's a lead from your website or someone you meet in town while at the post office, at the grocery store, at your kids sports events, or at your favorite restaurant. At some point you've got to pick up the phone and connect with people if you're going to be in business.
Introduce yourself, share your story and most importantly listen to their story! As you listen to people share their story, find out how you can help them.
Even if someone already has a business they may be happy with at the time, listen to why and make the connection anyway because you never know what will happen. Someday they just might be looking again. When they are they'll most likely connect with you because you took the time to connect with them and showed you cared by keeping in touch and connecting them with others who could help them.
Ask people how you can help them in their business. Who's a good client for them? Be on their side! Let them know you've got their back! Connect with them and they will connect with you!
Automation is great and it only takes this whole process so far to bring you people. Then it's up to you to take the connection a step further. Even with qualified people who actually may sign up right on your website before speaking with you, you're going to have to connect by speaking with them to start building a relationship if you plan to build a solid foundation in your business.
Wouldn’t you rather build your foundation on rock so it will last?
It's so important as you form alliances with people that you connect them to others within your inner circle of business leaders as well. Because the more people you connect together the more solid your business relationships become which will grow your business.
Stop sitting around waiting and wondering when the right time would be to make a connection with someone. You can always come up with a reason why it’s not the “right” time or why “not” to connect with people or even a certain person that you're too nervous to connect with because you feel they are more important than you.
Everyone loves to be connected with even the most important well connected person you may ever meet will want to connect with you! Why? Because they will love connecting you with others they know too! Just ask them for help or advice, you'll see. :)
You may have butterflies in your stomach or you’re feeling nervous, so what? That happens to everyone, even the most seasoned networkers!
There's never a wrong time to make a connection with people. Being nervous is natural. Never let anything stop you from making a connection because making connections with people are priceless when you keep their interest at heart!
Think about it this way, every person you connect with you have an opportunity to change their life in a very positive way! You have a chance to 'give' that person encouragement, hope, friendship and even possibly a partnership. These are all possibilities as you connect with people.
Some say we find the best fruit way out on a limb and you've got to take a risk to get it! I've got a photo of a beautiful beach with a Star Fish framed on my office wall that says 'Reach For The Stars They Are Closer Than You May Think!'.
So if you’ve got butterflies fluttering in your stomach, just jump in and as Nike says 'Just DO IT!' Go ahead and take the plunge! What’s the worse that can happen? By doing so you'll realize you've now become an entrepreneur! Entrepreneurs are always making connections! It’s how we survive!
Stop paralyzing yourself and your business by sitting like the dirt waiting for something to be put into it– pick up your phone or while you're out and about connect with someone! Even if it's just by 'giving' a stranger you see in the grocery store your smile! :) Send someone an uplifting card or email.
Encourage someone today! Give them hope! They are waiting for you to connect with them and to connect you with that special someone you may not have met otherwise!
Sue is an entrepreneur, author and Network Marketing coach who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in her profession and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM & online marketing training visit - ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Saturday, September 05, 2009
The Perfect Storm
Copyright © 2008 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
(***You may copy this article using the attached bio below)
Who saw the movie with George Clooney, The Perfect Storm?
I do not mean to be insensitive to the people who went through a storm like Katrina. Believe me I know about hurricanes and storms. We have lived in the coastal area of Texas for eleven years and had to evacuate during Rita!
Let me share with you though that even though that was hard we took advantage of the situation to spend quality time with our family! We had no choice, we were in a car for 19 hours together! It's an event we will never forget! Thanks to the career I have built in Network Marketing my two sons are I are up in Austin now away from storms like hurricane Ike which recently flew through our town wrecking havoc, throwing trees around like toothpicks and shutting down the power for weeks down near Houston!
Now is a perfect time to expose your home based business opportunity to friends, family and everyone you meet because you never know who might be looking for an income producing business to add to their bottom line and you just might have the answer they’ve been searching for which is the perfect storm of opportunity.
Yes, you could hear ‘ no thank’ you. Just think though, in today’s financial crunch you might be surprised to hear a lot more YES’S!
You will never know though unless you expose your home based business to a lot of people before someone else does first.
Think about this too. The next time you are speaking with a friend, family member, lead or potential recruit, don't forget to share the income tax-reduction strategy. I have never met one person who has said they are not looking to save money on their taxes! Just ask people, would you like to save more money on your taxes this year and for the years to come? What would happen if you got sick? What would happen if your spouse got sick and could not work or you had a sick child or parent to care for? What would happen if you lost your job?
Everyone is focused on financial issues. We cannot go anywhere without someone complaining about the economy. Just pick up a copy of AARP!
As direct sales and/or network marketing professionals, we have a solution and it's nothing to be ashamed about. We have a message to deliver to people who are hurting in todays economy. It's like the perfect storm and we are the perfect industry to deliver the message of freedom to help people take back the American dream.
There seem to be more and more people lately over the age of 50 working at Walmart, Target or McDonalds. These people are working part-time jobs or they’ve been downsized, replaced by a younger wiper snapper and many have lost their retirement! Now that's a perfect storm opportunity where we as an industry can help these people get out of that situation.
We have a solution for helping more families improve their financial situation and the current economy (perfect storm) is a terrific reason to start a home business right now.
Were you are now is because of decisions you made 5 years ago, decisions you make right now will determine where you’ll be within the next 5 years. Where do you plan to be? In the same situation or in a place where you’ve achieved your dreams? I know where I plan to be! How about you?
It’s all a matter of choice that each person has to make for themselves. If things are going to change you must change and do it right now while the timing is perfect because no household can survive on two incomes in this day and time, let alone one.
Direct sales/Network Marketing is an income generating solution that will provide two more streams of income into the home without adding another wage earner, or requiring a member of the family to get a second or third job working for Walmart or McDonalds! Use the home based business income tax-reduction strategy as a recruiting tool to get people thinking about their present and long term future.
With a direct sales/network marketing, home party or home based business people will generate income through their compensation plan, as well as through the ability to deduct expenses they are already paying for from their taxes.
The home office deduction is a legal system of deducting part of your home expenses as business expenses. This creates additional cash flow in the home by reducing tax liabilities while generating income through commissions from the marketing company. (Be sure to check with your CPA/Accountant and while you’re at it why not expose them to your business, because you never know until you ask right? Remember be the messenger!)
Are you going to take advantage of the perfect storm or wait until the waves calm down?
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit -
(***You may copy this article using the attached bio below)
Who saw the movie with George Clooney, The Perfect Storm?
I do not mean to be insensitive to the people who went through a storm like Katrina. Believe me I know about hurricanes and storms. We have lived in the coastal area of Texas for eleven years and had to evacuate during Rita!
Let me share with you though that even though that was hard we took advantage of the situation to spend quality time with our family! We had no choice, we were in a car for 19 hours together! It's an event we will never forget! Thanks to the career I have built in Network Marketing my two sons are I are up in Austin now away from storms like hurricane Ike which recently flew through our town wrecking havoc, throwing trees around like toothpicks and shutting down the power for weeks down near Houston!
Now is a perfect time to expose your home based business opportunity to friends, family and everyone you meet because you never know who might be looking for an income producing business to add to their bottom line and you just might have the answer they’ve been searching for which is the perfect storm of opportunity.
Yes, you could hear ‘ no thank’ you. Just think though, in today’s financial crunch you might be surprised to hear a lot more YES’S!
You will never know though unless you expose your home based business to a lot of people before someone else does first.
Think about this too. The next time you are speaking with a friend, family member, lead or potential recruit, don't forget to share the income tax-reduction strategy. I have never met one person who has said they are not looking to save money on their taxes! Just ask people, would you like to save more money on your taxes this year and for the years to come? What would happen if you got sick? What would happen if your spouse got sick and could not work or you had a sick child or parent to care for? What would happen if you lost your job?
Everyone is focused on financial issues. We cannot go anywhere without someone complaining about the economy. Just pick up a copy of AARP!
As direct sales and/or network marketing professionals, we have a solution and it's nothing to be ashamed about. We have a message to deliver to people who are hurting in todays economy. It's like the perfect storm and we are the perfect industry to deliver the message of freedom to help people take back the American dream.
There seem to be more and more people lately over the age of 50 working at Walmart, Target or McDonalds. These people are working part-time jobs or they’ve been downsized, replaced by a younger wiper snapper and many have lost their retirement! Now that's a perfect storm opportunity where we as an industry can help these people get out of that situation.
We have a solution for helping more families improve their financial situation and the current economy (perfect storm) is a terrific reason to start a home business right now.
Were you are now is because of decisions you made 5 years ago, decisions you make right now will determine where you’ll be within the next 5 years. Where do you plan to be? In the same situation or in a place where you’ve achieved your dreams? I know where I plan to be! How about you?
It’s all a matter of choice that each person has to make for themselves. If things are going to change you must change and do it right now while the timing is perfect because no household can survive on two incomes in this day and time, let alone one.
Direct sales/Network Marketing is an income generating solution that will provide two more streams of income into the home without adding another wage earner, or requiring a member of the family to get a second or third job working for Walmart or McDonalds! Use the home based business income tax-reduction strategy as a recruiting tool to get people thinking about their present and long term future.
With a direct sales/network marketing, home party or home based business people will generate income through their compensation plan, as well as through the ability to deduct expenses they are already paying for from their taxes.
The home office deduction is a legal system of deducting part of your home expenses as business expenses. This creates additional cash flow in the home by reducing tax liabilities while generating income through commissions from the marketing company. (Be sure to check with your CPA/Accountant and while you’re at it why not expose them to your business, because you never know until you ask right? Remember be the messenger!)
Are you going to take advantage of the perfect storm or wait until the waves calm down?
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit -
Monday, August 03, 2009
What Does It Take To Become A Champion?
From the Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
August 3, 2009
From the Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
August 3, 2009
What does it take to become a champion?
It's been a long road these last two years of nail biting, nerves, financial stress, emotions, courage, determination, persistence, goal setting, and now a victory that will lead to many more!
It certainly has not happened over night for our son James! This brave young man has climbed a huge mountain and has suffered defeat after defeat, as he was one of the late starters at the tennis academy at age 14. With each failure he's learned something new and has become stronger.
He started playing tennis at age 10 when he picked up a racket on vacation one summer at Gulf Shores in Alabama and said "mom and dad this is the sport I want to play" and then he decided he had a goal to play in college.
He started in Austin at the academy at age 14 where most of the players have been since age 8 or 9.
So he's had a lot of catching up to do not to mention losing about 30 lbs, growing about 4 inches and developing into a young humbled leader! The coaches say he's definitely been the underdog.
He has fought hard and realizes he still has a long ways to go! This is only one milestone. We saw him in tears last weekend after a devastating loss and about to give up. We encouraged him NOT to give in or give up on his goals or his dreams! He's come much too far to throw in the towel!
We reluctantly had to take him out of the tennis academy because it's extremely expensive. It was a heart wrenching decision yet is giving him the ability to try out for the Lake Travis Tennis team next week which his coaches and he feels is actually going to help him even more to develop into a well rounded tennis
player and leader.
We do however plan to get him BACK into the academy by second semester and will do whatever it takes to help him continue advancing in his tennis career! .
This past weekend he proved once again that's he's been a fighter ever since he was born almost 3 months early at 3 lbs! He's now 6' tall wearing size 14 shoes and has a heart bigger than Texas!
Austin Tennis Academy News
August 3, 2009
Georgetown Hosts Berry Creek ZAT; Seward Qualifies
This first weekend of August held the Berry Creek ZAT, hosted by Georgetown, Tx, a tournament open to all non-qualified junior players.
Representing ATA was James Seward in the boys' 16s red draw and MIkaela Pope in the girls' 16s white draw.
James Seward competed like a man on a mission this past weekend, winning his first three matches to earn Championship status in the USTA Texas Section. In his qualifying match he faced the number five seeded J. Quarderer, whom he took down 6-0, 6-1 to advance to the final round.
"James was a determined player this past weekend," Coach Collins said. "He competed well and accomplished an important goal."
Look for James to continue to succeed in the Champ qualified division, while Mikaela proved that she is surely not far behind.
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
Entrepreneur, Author, Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
August 3, 2009
From the Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
August 3, 2009
What does it take to become a champion?
It's been a long road these last two years of nail biting, nerves, financial stress, emotions, courage, determination, persistence, goal setting, and now a victory that will lead to many more!
It certainly has not happened over night for our son James! This brave young man has climbed a huge mountain and has suffered defeat after defeat, as he was one of the late starters at the tennis academy at age 14. With each failure he's learned something new and has become stronger.
He started playing tennis at age 10 when he picked up a racket on vacation one summer at Gulf Shores in Alabama and said "mom and dad this is the sport I want to play" and then he decided he had a goal to play in college.
He started in Austin at the academy at age 14 where most of the players have been since age 8 or 9.
So he's had a lot of catching up to do not to mention losing about 30 lbs, growing about 4 inches and developing into a young humbled leader! The coaches say he's definitely been the underdog.
He has fought hard and realizes he still has a long ways to go! This is only one milestone. We saw him in tears last weekend after a devastating loss and about to give up. We encouraged him NOT to give in or give up on his goals or his dreams! He's come much too far to throw in the towel!
We reluctantly had to take him out of the tennis academy because it's extremely expensive. It was a heart wrenching decision yet is giving him the ability to try out for the Lake Travis Tennis team next week which his coaches and he feels is actually going to help him even more to develop into a well rounded tennis
player and leader.
We do however plan to get him BACK into the academy by second semester and will do whatever it takes to help him continue advancing in his tennis career! .
This past weekend he proved once again that's he's been a fighter ever since he was born almost 3 months early at 3 lbs! He's now 6' tall wearing size 14 shoes and has a heart bigger than Texas!
Austin Tennis Academy News
August 3, 2009
Georgetown Hosts Berry Creek ZAT; Seward Qualifies
This first weekend of August held the Berry Creek ZAT, hosted by Georgetown, Tx, a tournament open to all non-qualified junior players.
Representing ATA was James Seward in the boys' 16s red draw and MIkaela Pope in the girls' 16s white draw.
James Seward competed like a man on a mission this past weekend, winning his first three matches to earn Championship status in the USTA Texas Section. In his qualifying match he faced the number five seeded J. Quarderer, whom he took down 6-0, 6-1 to advance to the final round.
"James was a determined player this past weekend," Coach Collins said. "He competed well and accomplished an important goal."
Look for James to continue to succeed in the Champ qualified division, while Mikaela proved that she is surely not far behind.
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
Entrepreneur, Author, Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Creating Habits that can change your life for the better!
From the Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
Two years ago it was interesting to find out about being highly allergic to Gluten, wheat, barley, rye and oats.
It's a genetic auto-immune disorder called Celiac. There was a complete denial for two years thinking "oh yeah, watch me still eat gluten and wheat now and then, no need to change much, nooooo problem!"
What a rude awakening the journey has been! haha!
It's taken a real change of HABIT to turn a lifestyle around after a lifetime of drinking beer, eating pizza, bread, pasta, cheese burgers, chicken friend steak, fast food and start eating properly for good health OR ELSE according to our holistic doc who said Sue's gonna die if she does not change her HABITS!
Ok, that got my immediate attention!
Since changing those HABITS and lifestyle I'm not only feeling so much better, not as sick after eating a meal, and lost over 25 lbs, keeping it off and STILL eating foods I love above with some modifications to Gluten Free
AND we're all
eating a lot more healthy foods too like more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, only made out of rice, potato and sorghum flours which I've actually come to love even better and these foods actually give you more energy and stamina and are much easier on your insides!
The big fat stomach issue is gone, I'm down over 3 pants sizes and feel better and better when not eating wheat or fast food, junk food, etc.
Changing habits has taken a lot of hard work, reading every label, having to buy a lot of GLUTEN FREE labeled foods, making homemade sauces and dressings, etc., and it's been difficult when out around other people, especially traveling when people do not understand that even just a little gluten can kill someone with this disorder. Even contaminated kitchens and food on a buffet can become ticking time bombs.
Once you do change and form good habits though you never want to go back to the old ones that slow you down and hold you back from success!
The whole family is wanting to eat this way now including our 16 year old athlete son who suggested this habit lifestyle change for himself!
Check out these quotes from some well known leaders on creating better life changing habits!
"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires." -- J. Paul Getty
"First we make our habits then our habits make us." -- Denis Waitley
"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." -- Harvey Mackay
"When you do the wrong thing, knowing it is wrong, you do so because you haven't developed the habit of effectively controlling or neutralizing strong inner urges that tempt you, or because you have established the wrong habits and don't know how to eliminate them effectively." -- W. Clement Stone
Jim Rohn says today's the day . . .
. . . that could turn your life around!
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
Entrepreneur, Author, Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Let's Connect on -
At Lake Travis in Austin Texas
Two years ago it was interesting to find out about being highly allergic to Gluten, wheat, barley, rye and oats.
It's a genetic auto-immune disorder called Celiac. There was a complete denial for two years thinking "oh yeah, watch me still eat gluten and wheat now and then, no need to change much, nooooo problem!"
What a rude awakening the journey has been! haha!
It's taken a real change of HABIT to turn a lifestyle around after a lifetime of drinking beer, eating pizza, bread, pasta, cheese burgers, chicken friend steak, fast food and start eating properly for good health OR ELSE according to our holistic doc who said Sue's gonna die if she does not change her HABITS!
Ok, that got my immediate attention!
Since changing those HABITS and lifestyle I'm not only feeling so much better, not as sick after eating a meal, and lost over 25 lbs, keeping it off and STILL eating foods I love above with some modifications to Gluten Free
AND we're all
eating a lot more healthy foods too like more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, only made out of rice, potato and sorghum flours which I've actually come to love even better and these foods actually give you more energy and stamina and are much easier on your insides!
The big fat stomach issue is gone, I'm down over 3 pants sizes and feel better and better when not eating wheat or fast food, junk food, etc.
Changing habits has taken a lot of hard work, reading every label, having to buy a lot of GLUTEN FREE labeled foods, making homemade sauces and dressings, etc., and it's been difficult when out around other people, especially traveling when people do not understand that even just a little gluten can kill someone with this disorder. Even contaminated kitchens and food on a buffet can become ticking time bombs.
Once you do change and form good habits though you never want to go back to the old ones that slow you down and hold you back from success!
The whole family is wanting to eat this way now including our 16 year old athlete son who suggested this habit lifestyle change for himself!
Check out these quotes from some well known leaders on creating better life changing habits!
"The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires." -- J. Paul Getty
"First we make our habits then our habits make us." -- Denis Waitley
"Good habits are as addictive as bad habits, and a lot more rewarding." -- Harvey Mackay
"When you do the wrong thing, knowing it is wrong, you do so because you haven't developed the habit of effectively controlling or neutralizing strong inner urges that tempt you, or because you have established the wrong habits and don't know how to eliminate them effectively." -- W. Clement Stone
Jim Rohn says today's the day . . .
. . . that could turn your life around!
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
Entrepreneur, Author, Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Let's Connect on -
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Forming Business Entities from The Millionaire Maker
Monday, June 08, 2009
Steps To Setting Up Your Success Plan For Your Home-based Enterprise
Copyright © 2009 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
How successful would you like your home-based enterprise to be? What is it that some business people do to become successful while so many others struggle and become frustrated , overwhelmed and stuck in analysis of paralysis?
Here's what I've done over the years to develop a full time career income and so have many other successful entrepreneurs in Network Marketing who are earning 6 and 7 figure incomes.
It starts with treating your network marketing enterprise like a REAL business and that means getting set up like a business right from the beginning.
If your plan is to attract the right kinds of people ie: entrepreneurs, business professionals and those seeking to become entrepreneurs and business owners, into your business, it best that you start presenting yourself as a professional right from the start.
Every wise business owner starts with a plan for success, sets their goals and puts their goals in writing. They usually share them with a trusted confidant, coach or family member to help them stay accountable and stay on track.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” God honors a Plan. Without a clear concise plan confusion is inevitable.
-Every serious business person starts with writing a ‘business plan’ – goals and plans are extremely important for your success because they give you a road map to follow and keep you on a clear path. Of course when goals are met, others goals are set, some may not be met do to some unforeseen circumstance. Any course can always be re-adjusted.
Once your plan is in place it’s time to start taking ACTION by following your plan to achieve your goals!
-Obtain a separate phone line - which is actually required for tax purposes - check with your accountant. If you're going to deduct expenses you will want to be set up as a real business.
There are a lot of great tax advantages available to home business owners so make sure to check this out. I've listed some business resources at the end of this article.
This is important because you do not want your children or anyone else answering your business line. It does not present a professional image and you may not be able to deduct that expense.
-Put a professional outgoing message on your voice mail. No kids, dogs, husbands, family, or other non professional agenda on your business voice mail. For instance on my voice mail on home office line and mobile people hear - "You've reached the home office of Sue Seward. I’m not available to take your call at this time so please leave a message with your phone number even if you think I have it and the reason for your call and I will return your call as soon as possible. Take Care"....
-Obtain a voice mail box to use for advertising, business cards and flyers. This way you do not have people calling your phone line at all hours of the day and night and they cannot trace you to your home line for safety reasons
-Obtain a professional email address - preferably your first and last name or your business name – it’s better not to use anything hokey for a business email address. I always use my first and last name. This also helps to brand your name.
-Set up a separate office area in your home - this can actually be required for tax purposes - check with your accountant
-Obtain business cards - all professionals use them and preferably order them from your company or a printing service and not printed on your computer - business cards are one of the most inexpensive tools available to a business entrepreneur. Check the affordable service online below. You can even order Free cards there when waiting on your company cards.
-Order appropriate sales aids from your company - ask your upline leaders what they use
-Use an online marketing system that will duplicate more training on that at my MLM Online Marketing eCourse. See business resources below.
-Attend company events especially your company conventions - remember these expenses are most likely tax deductible - again check with your accountant - These events are designed to teach and train you in developing yourself and in doing so you start making money.
-Plug into conference calls and training calls especially when firs t starting out and if you’re an experienced Network Marketer and have joined a new company attend all calls to become familiar with the new company. Your organization will also see you attending calls and will most likely follow in your foot steps if they are serious about become successful in their own enterprise. (remember you’re the advisor and the messenger!) They have to decide to believe and take those steps for themselves based on their own personal reasons (their why)!
-When first starting out spend 80% of your time prospecting.
Sponsor two, three or five people depending on your companies compensation plan and plug them into a SYSTEM that they can duplicate, help them to sponsor some people and then sponsor some more and keep on doing the same thing and teaching others to do the same.
This way you are plugging people in as you sponsor and people will duplicate and this is where you'll start to see the leverage develop. (read more below)
-Get with your sponsor and/or upline to work with you in the beginning if necessary. Ask for coaching when you need it! They want to help you to succeed because when you succeed they succeed too!
-Set your sites on doing all of the above, be coachable and you will succeed in your network marketing home based business enterprise. If someone is not successful it could because they are not coachable, have not set up their plan, refuse to plug in properly and/or they just give up and quit way to soon.
Have you planned to improve the quality of your life? Think about WHY this is important to you? That’s all a part of writing your Success Plan & Goals which keep your burning WHY out in front of you at all times helping you stay on target with your plan!
In developing a Network Marketing career, you will learn more about yourself and develop skills and talents you never thought you would. This can be priceless to you because you will be able to take the experience, talent and skill sets you learn anywhere you go for the rest of your life.
Business Resources -
Home-Business Tax Information –
Business Entities –
May 19th call from Loral Langemeier author of ‘The Millionaire Maker’- on Forming Business Entities – *This call is for informational purposes only (44 min) -
Rod Nichols and Tim Johnson - ‘God’s Prosperity Plan’
Robert Kiyosaki – ‘The Business School For People Who Like Helping People’, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, ‘Why We Want You To Be Rich’, ‘Rich Dad’s Prophecy’
Napoleon Hill - ‘Think & Grow Rich’
Charles Swindole - 'Hand Me Another Brick' -Timeless Lessons On Leadership - How Effective Leaders Motivate Themselves & Others
Vista Print – Business cards, postcards, labels –
Sue on ACES Radio Live – June 5, 2009 -
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
How successful would you like your home-based enterprise to be? What is it that some business people do to become successful while so many others struggle and become frustrated , overwhelmed and stuck in analysis of paralysis?
Here's what I've done over the years to develop a full time career income and so have many other successful entrepreneurs in Network Marketing who are earning 6 and 7 figure incomes.
It starts with treating your network marketing enterprise like a REAL business and that means getting set up like a business right from the beginning.
If your plan is to attract the right kinds of people ie: entrepreneurs, business professionals and those seeking to become entrepreneurs and business owners, into your business, it best that you start presenting yourself as a professional right from the start.
Every wise business owner starts with a plan for success, sets their goals and puts their goals in writing. They usually share them with a trusted confidant, coach or family member to help them stay accountable and stay on track.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” God honors a Plan. Without a clear concise plan confusion is inevitable.
-Every serious business person starts with writing a ‘business plan’ – goals and plans are extremely important for your success because they give you a road map to follow and keep you on a clear path. Of course when goals are met, others goals are set, some may not be met do to some unforeseen circumstance. Any course can always be re-adjusted.
Once your plan is in place it’s time to start taking ACTION by following your plan to achieve your goals!
-Obtain a separate phone line - which is actually required for tax purposes - check with your accountant. If you're going to deduct expenses you will want to be set up as a real business.
There are a lot of great tax advantages available to home business owners so make sure to check this out. I've listed some business resources at the end of this article.
This is important because you do not want your children or anyone else answering your business line. It does not present a professional image and you may not be able to deduct that expense.
-Put a professional outgoing message on your voice mail. No kids, dogs, husbands, family, or other non professional agenda on your business voice mail. For instance on my voice mail on home office line and mobile people hear - "You've reached the home office of Sue Seward. I’m not available to take your call at this time so please leave a message with your phone number even if you think I have it and the reason for your call and I will return your call as soon as possible. Take Care"....
-Obtain a voice mail box to use for advertising, business cards and flyers. This way you do not have people calling your phone line at all hours of the day and night and they cannot trace you to your home line for safety reasons
-Obtain a professional email address - preferably your first and last name or your business name – it’s better not to use anything hokey for a business email address. I always use my first and last name. This also helps to brand your name.
-Set up a separate office area in your home - this can actually be required for tax purposes - check with your accountant
-Obtain business cards - all professionals use them and preferably order them from your company or a printing service and not printed on your computer - business cards are one of the most inexpensive tools available to a business entrepreneur. Check the affordable service online below. You can even order Free cards there when waiting on your company cards.
-Order appropriate sales aids from your company - ask your upline leaders what they use
-Use an online marketing system that will duplicate more training on that at my MLM Online Marketing eCourse. See business resources below.
-Attend company events especially your company conventions - remember these expenses are most likely tax deductible - again check with your accountant - These events are designed to teach and train you in developing yourself and in doing so you start making money.
-Plug into conference calls and training calls especially when firs t starting out and if you’re an experienced Network Marketer and have joined a new company attend all calls to become familiar with the new company. Your organization will also see you attending calls and will most likely follow in your foot steps if they are serious about become successful in their own enterprise. (remember you’re the advisor and the messenger!) They have to decide to believe and take those steps for themselves based on their own personal reasons (their why)!
-When first starting out spend 80% of your time prospecting.
Sponsor two, three or five people depending on your companies compensation plan and plug them into a SYSTEM that they can duplicate, help them to sponsor some people and then sponsor some more and keep on doing the same thing and teaching others to do the same.
This way you are plugging people in as you sponsor and people will duplicate and this is where you'll start to see the leverage develop. (read more below)
-Get with your sponsor and/or upline to work with you in the beginning if necessary. Ask for coaching when you need it! They want to help you to succeed because when you succeed they succeed too!
-Set your sites on doing all of the above, be coachable and you will succeed in your network marketing home based business enterprise. If someone is not successful it could because they are not coachable, have not set up their plan, refuse to plug in properly and/or they just give up and quit way to soon.
Have you planned to improve the quality of your life? Think about WHY this is important to you? That’s all a part of writing your Success Plan & Goals which keep your burning WHY out in front of you at all times helping you stay on target with your plan!
In developing a Network Marketing career, you will learn more about yourself and develop skills and talents you never thought you would. This can be priceless to you because you will be able to take the experience, talent and skill sets you learn anywhere you go for the rest of your life.
Business Resources -
Home-Business Tax Information –
Business Entities –
May 19th call from Loral Langemeier author of ‘The Millionaire Maker’- on Forming Business Entities – *This call is for informational purposes only (44 min) -
Rod Nichols and Tim Johnson - ‘God’s Prosperity Plan’
Robert Kiyosaki – ‘The Business School For People Who Like Helping People’, ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, ‘Why We Want You To Be Rich’, ‘Rich Dad’s Prophecy’
Napoleon Hill - ‘Think & Grow Rich’
Charles Swindole - 'Hand Me Another Brick' -Timeless Lessons On Leadership - How Effective Leaders Motivate Themselves & Others
Vista Print – Business cards, postcards, labels –
Sue on ACES Radio Live – June 5, 2009 -
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Event: Sue Seward This Friday on ACES Radio Live -"Lessons we can all learn from"
From the Home Office of Sue Seward
At Lake Travis in Austin, Texas
June 3, 2009
Event: Sue Seward This Friday on ACES Radio Live
"Lessons we can all learn from"
What: Workshop
Host: ACES Radio Live FAN Group
Start Time: Friday, June 5 at 5:00pm
End Time: Friday, June 5 at 6:00pm
Where: From the comfort of your own home
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
ACES Radio Live is on LIVE Every Friday Evening
3:00-4:00 PM Pacific
4:00-5:00 PM Mountain
5:00-6:00 PM Central
6:00-7:00 PM Eastern
You can also call (347) 843-4270 if you have questions regarding
this show.
Sue Seward is a veteran Network Marketer, Author, Coach and Mentor who lives in Austin Texas at Lake Travis with her two sons 16 year old James and Luke who is 22 and she has been married to her husband of 30 years Clif and like most people her family means the world to her.
Sue will be the first to tell anyone that asks that her family is her "WHY" for building a successful Home Based Business.
"We moved to Austin two years ago (wow has it been THAT long?!!!)for our son James to play tennis at the Austin Tennis academy."
Sue started out in the Network Marketing Industry back in 1996 and has developed her passion into a full time career income starting out as a stay at home mom with no career, no degrees, no corporate background or experience, no income of her own, no credibility or contacts and depended totally on her husband who has supported her
in her career for years.
Sue loves helping and coaching people especially women/moms to become successful working in their own business from home to become financially independent and loves hearing success stories no matter how big or small because she has been there too and remembers what it was like starting out and struggling to make it happen.
Sue believes that owning your own Home Based Business is a Very Viable "Plan B" to pay for life's necessities, emergencies and joys and offers all of the following benefits:
- Setting your own schedule
- Secure your retirement
- Protect your family in case of emergency
- Skipping the commute and working from home
- Deciding when you want a raise
- Protect you from downsizing
- Spending more time with your family
- Create an inheritance for your children and your children's
- Create a walk away income as myself and many others have done
We are honored to have Sue on the show with us as our guest.
Remember, success is a choice--here's to yours.
Warm Regards and God Bless,
Jim Gillhouse
Aces Live Radio Host
Your Partner in Success,
Sue Seward
MLM Online Marketing Coach
At Lake Travis in Austin, Texas
June 3, 2009
Event: Sue Seward This Friday on ACES Radio Live
"Lessons we can all learn from"
What: Workshop
Host: ACES Radio Live FAN Group
Start Time: Friday, June 5 at 5:00pm
End Time: Friday, June 5 at 6:00pm
Where: From the comfort of your own home
To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:
ACES Radio Live is on LIVE Every Friday Evening
3:00-4:00 PM Pacific
4:00-5:00 PM Mountain
5:00-6:00 PM Central
6:00-7:00 PM Eastern
You can also call (347) 843-4270 if you have questions regarding
this show.
Sue Seward is a veteran Network Marketer, Author, Coach and Mentor who lives in Austin Texas at Lake Travis with her two sons 16 year old James and Luke who is 22 and she has been married to her husband of 30 years Clif and like most people her family means the world to her.
Sue will be the first to tell anyone that asks that her family is her "WHY" for building a successful Home Based Business.
"We moved to Austin two years ago (wow has it been THAT long?!!!)for our son James to play tennis at the Austin Tennis academy."
Sue started out in the Network Marketing Industry back in 1996 and has developed her passion into a full time career income starting out as a stay at home mom with no career, no degrees, no corporate background or experience, no income of her own, no credibility or contacts and depended totally on her husband who has supported her
in her career for years.
Sue loves helping and coaching people especially women/moms to become successful working in their own business from home to become financially independent and loves hearing success stories no matter how big or small because she has been there too and remembers what it was like starting out and struggling to make it happen.
Sue believes that owning your own Home Based Business is a Very Viable "Plan B" to pay for life's necessities, emergencies and joys and offers all of the following benefits:
- Setting your own schedule
- Secure your retirement
- Protect your family in case of emergency
- Skipping the commute and working from home
- Deciding when you want a raise
- Protect you from downsizing
- Spending more time with your family
- Create an inheritance for your children and your children's
- Create a walk away income as myself and many others have done
We are honored to have Sue on the show with us as our guest.
Remember, success is a choice--here's to yours.
Warm Regards and God Bless,
Jim Gillhouse
Aces Live Radio Host
Your Partner in Success,
Sue Seward
MLM Online Marketing Coach
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Living Gluten Free
Excerpt from Elisabeth Hasselbeck author of 'The G Free Diet' -
"It turns out I have a lot of company! Apparently, I am not alone in benefiting from the G-free diet: According to the University of Chicago, 1 out of every 133 otherwise healthy adults in the United States has celiac disease—that's nearly 3 million of us.
But a gluten-free lifestyle can help countless others as well. People suffering from a wide range of diseases—from autism to osteoporosis, from diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis—can often benefit from this change in diet. Even people with no health issues have a great deal to gain by giving up gluten. The G-free diet can help with weight management. It can elevate your energy levels, improve your attention span, and speed up your digestion.
Whatever your motivation for going G-free—whether you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, or a basic desire to live a healthier, longer life—this book will help you achieve your goal. It's an all-inclusive, easy-to-read survival guide to living without gluten and loving it.
I will define gluten in all its particulars, and teach you how to spot it in the unlikeliest places. I will also help you navigate social situations, and instruct you in the art of reading both food and beauty product labels.
You will learn how to target gluten-free products, both at restaurants and your local supermarket, how to stay on your diet even in a foreign country, and even how to keep your kids G-free in the school cafeteria. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with all the information you need to get through the world without gluten. My guess is that you will only wish that you had done it sooner"
To view the ABC news video with Elisabeth Hasselbeck and her new Gluten Free website visit:
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
For Work At Home MLM Online Marketing Tips & Resources
visit -
"It turns out I have a lot of company! Apparently, I am not alone in benefiting from the G-free diet: According to the University of Chicago, 1 out of every 133 otherwise healthy adults in the United States has celiac disease—that's nearly 3 million of us.
But a gluten-free lifestyle can help countless others as well. People suffering from a wide range of diseases—from autism to osteoporosis, from diabetes to rheumatoid arthritis—can often benefit from this change in diet. Even people with no health issues have a great deal to gain by giving up gluten. The G-free diet can help with weight management. It can elevate your energy levels, improve your attention span, and speed up your digestion.
Whatever your motivation for going G-free—whether you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, or a basic desire to live a healthier, longer life—this book will help you achieve your goal. It's an all-inclusive, easy-to-read survival guide to living without gluten and loving it.
I will define gluten in all its particulars, and teach you how to spot it in the unlikeliest places. I will also help you navigate social situations, and instruct you in the art of reading both food and beauty product labels.
You will learn how to target gluten-free products, both at restaurants and your local supermarket, how to stay on your diet even in a foreign country, and even how to keep your kids G-free in the school cafeteria. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with all the information you need to get through the world without gluten. My guess is that you will only wish that you had done it sooner"
To view the ABC news video with Elisabeth Hasselbeck and her new Gluten Free website visit:
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
For Work At Home MLM Online Marketing Tips & Resources
visit -
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Perfect Storm Of Opportunity
Copyright © 2008 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
(***You may copy this article using the attached bio below)
Who saw the movie with George Clooney, The Perfect Storm?
I do not mean to be insensitive to the people who went through a storm like Katrina. Believe me I know about hurricanes and storms. We have lived in the coastal area of Texas for eleven years and had to evacuate during Rita!
Let me share with you though that even though that was hard we took advantage of the situation to spend quality time with our family! We had no choice, we were in a car for 19 hours together! It's an event we will never forget! Thanks to the career I have built in Network Marketing my two sons are I are up in Austin now away from storms like hurricane Ike which recently flew through our town wrecking havoc, throwing trees around like toothpicks and shutting down the power for weeks down near Houston!
Now is a perfect time to expose your home based business opportunity to friends, family and everyone you meet because you never know who might be looking for an income producing business to add to their bottom line and you just might have the answer they’ve been searching for which is the perfect storm of opportunity.
Yes, you could hear ‘ no thank’ you. Just think though, in today’s financial crunch you might be surprised to hear a lot more YES’S!
You will never know though unless you expose your home based business to a lot of people before someone else does first.
Think about this too. The next time you are speaking with a friend, family member, lead or potential recruit, don't forget to share the income tax-reduction strategy. I have never met one person who has said they are not looking to save money on their taxes! Just ask people, would you like to save more money on your taxes this year and for the years to come? What would happen if you got sick? What would happen if your spouse got sick and could not work or you had a sick child or parent to care for? What would happen if you lost your job?
Everyone is focused on financial issues. We cannot go anywhere without someone complaining about the economy. Just pick up a copy of AARP!
As direct sales and/or network marketing professionals, we have a solution and it's nothing to be ashamed about. We have a message to deliver to people who are hurting in todays economy. It's like the perfect storm and we are the perfect industry to deliver the message of freedom to help people take back the American dream.
There seem to be more and more people lately over the age of 50 working at Walmart, Target or McDonalds. These people are working part-time jobs or they’ve been downsized, replaced by a younger wiper snapper and many have lost their retirement! Now that's a perfect storm opportunity where we as an industry can help these people get out of that situation.
We have a solution for helping more families improve their financial situation and the current economy (perfect storm) is a terrific reason to start a home business right now.
Were you are now is because of decisions you made 5 years ago, decisions you make right now will determine where you’ll be within the next 5 years. Where do you plan to be? In the same situation or in a place where you’ve achieved your dreams? I know where I plan to be! How about you?
It’s all a matter of choice that each person has to make for themselves. If things are going to change you must change and do it right now while the timing is perfect because no household can survive on two incomes in this day and time, let alone one.
Direct sales/Network Marketing is an income generating solution that will provide two more streams of income into the home without adding another wage earner, or requiring a member of the family to get a second or third job working for Walmart or McDonalds! Use the home based business income tax-reduction strategy as a recruiting tool to get people thinking about their present and long term future.
With a direct sales/network marketing, home party or home based business people will generate income through their compensation plan, as well as through the ability to deduct expenses they are already paying for from their taxes.
The home office deduction is a legal system of deducting part of your home expenses as business expenses. This creates additional cash flow in the home by reducing tax liabilities while generating income through commissions from the marketing company. (Be sure to check with your CPA/Accountant and while you’re at it why not expose them to your business, because you never know until you ask right? Remember be the messenger!)
Are you going to take advantage of the perfect storm or wait until the waves calm down?
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit -
(***You may copy this article using the attached bio below)
Who saw the movie with George Clooney, The Perfect Storm?
I do not mean to be insensitive to the people who went through a storm like Katrina. Believe me I know about hurricanes and storms. We have lived in the coastal area of Texas for eleven years and had to evacuate during Rita!
Let me share with you though that even though that was hard we took advantage of the situation to spend quality time with our family! We had no choice, we were in a car for 19 hours together! It's an event we will never forget! Thanks to the career I have built in Network Marketing my two sons are I are up in Austin now away from storms like hurricane Ike which recently flew through our town wrecking havoc, throwing trees around like toothpicks and shutting down the power for weeks down near Houston!
Now is a perfect time to expose your home based business opportunity to friends, family and everyone you meet because you never know who might be looking for an income producing business to add to their bottom line and you just might have the answer they’ve been searching for which is the perfect storm of opportunity.
Yes, you could hear ‘ no thank’ you. Just think though, in today’s financial crunch you might be surprised to hear a lot more YES’S!
You will never know though unless you expose your home based business to a lot of people before someone else does first.
Think about this too. The next time you are speaking with a friend, family member, lead or potential recruit, don't forget to share the income tax-reduction strategy. I have never met one person who has said they are not looking to save money on their taxes! Just ask people, would you like to save more money on your taxes this year and for the years to come? What would happen if you got sick? What would happen if your spouse got sick and could not work or you had a sick child or parent to care for? What would happen if you lost your job?
Everyone is focused on financial issues. We cannot go anywhere without someone complaining about the economy. Just pick up a copy of AARP!
As direct sales and/or network marketing professionals, we have a solution and it's nothing to be ashamed about. We have a message to deliver to people who are hurting in todays economy. It's like the perfect storm and we are the perfect industry to deliver the message of freedom to help people take back the American dream.
There seem to be more and more people lately over the age of 50 working at Walmart, Target or McDonalds. These people are working part-time jobs or they’ve been downsized, replaced by a younger wiper snapper and many have lost their retirement! Now that's a perfect storm opportunity where we as an industry can help these people get out of that situation.
We have a solution for helping more families improve their financial situation and the current economy (perfect storm) is a terrific reason to start a home business right now.
Were you are now is because of decisions you made 5 years ago, decisions you make right now will determine where you’ll be within the next 5 years. Where do you plan to be? In the same situation or in a place where you’ve achieved your dreams? I know where I plan to be! How about you?
It’s all a matter of choice that each person has to make for themselves. If things are going to change you must change and do it right now while the timing is perfect because no household can survive on two incomes in this day and time, let alone one.
Direct sales/Network Marketing is an income generating solution that will provide two more streams of income into the home without adding another wage earner, or requiring a member of the family to get a second or third job working for Walmart or McDonalds! Use the home based business income tax-reduction strategy as a recruiting tool to get people thinking about their present and long term future.
With a direct sales/network marketing, home party or home based business people will generate income through their compensation plan, as well as through the ability to deduct expenses they are already paying for from their taxes.
The home office deduction is a legal system of deducting part of your home expenses as business expenses. This creates additional cash flow in the home by reducing tax liabilities while generating income through commissions from the marketing company. (Be sure to check with your CPA/Accountant and while you’re at it why not expose them to your business, because you never know until you ask right? Remember be the messenger!)
Are you going to take advantage of the perfect storm or wait until the waves calm down?
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. If you would like to learn how to make better quality connections online and receive free tips, resources, coaching , MLM online marketing training visit -
Monday, May 11, 2009
Brand Yourself As A Connector – Become A Talent Scout – Who's Your Target Market?
Personal branding online is when you've actually gotten out there and developed yourself and then start giving back to help and assist others too. Companies brand their names and products so why not YOU?
People start to know who you are and what you are giving back in the way of value and content that they can actually use to develop themselves too. It's when you decide to brand 'you' first vs 'advertising' your company or products first.
People are looking for other people that they like and trust to help them grow and succeed. After they learn to trust you then they may ask you about your company and/or products and services, training and informational content you have to offer.
Everyone has something to offer. Everyone has some sort of skills or content they are experienced in or an interest right? For instance I found out I'm allergic to wheat and gluten so I'm into gluten free cooking now big time! That's something to write about and offer to others that are looking for this sort of information. Does that mean everyone interested in GF cooking will be interested in my business? Of course not! I do however make a lot of connections and friends to share ideas/recipes on this subject.
You can even write a blog on this type of subject and attract a lot of people who are looking to share this sort of information.
Personally this was learned many years ago from mentors who were an encouragement online back in 1996. They encouraged to develop a presence online and brand you vs branding a specific company or product. So that's what I did starting with no experience at all and no contacts or credibility online. All of this has been developed through many years of making connections online, building relationships, hard work and effort. It's not been easy and there have been some rough times with plenty of frustrations.
We started out using email and online forums in 1996 and always picked up the telephone to call people and developing the relationship. Then we went on to develop landing pages, replicated and personal websites where you connect people with YOU first and then your opportunity if they are interested in what you have to offer they will ask you about it. Then audio came along and now there's video to make online connections and branding even more personal.
So I always encourage people to realize that anyone can do this if they decide to and stay with it. Learn from those who have been there done that and then once you do learn give back! Make sure you always set up your profile with a personal photo of yourself first thing. That's the first sign of branding YOU.
Even when you do not have a lot of experience yet you know something, have some sort of skills, can share content worth something when you start to think this way. In the beginning you may have to share other people's stuff, articles, information you come across as you're learning - you get the idea right? Just be sure to obtain their permission.
Set your mind in the direction of thinking that -
It's always about other people and what they are interested in and looking for! It may not always be your opportunity or products at this time and it may never be, so what, get YOU connected because you never know what will happen when the timing is right for someone! They'll be in touch with the people they've connected with who show a genuine interest in THEM!
Who’s Your Niche Market & Are You Targeting Them?
Do you know who your niche market is? What is a niche? These are people who are already using your type of products or services and all your doing is speaking with them about switching to your products and services which are of higher quality and comparable in price.
In other words, people who are already using products and services similar to yours in price will most likely buy yours at the same price. You explain the difference in quality of yours vs the other brand. If you are selling gourmet products, people who are buying cheap products of low quality would not be your niche or target market.
Your target market could also be other network marketers or people who have been searching for a network marketing home business. You could also target network marketers who have been burned in MLM before and searching for the right opportunity to help them grow. If you are an experienced MLMer or trainer your target market may be people looking for a mentor or coach.
It’s much easier and more fun when you’re speaking with people who are actually looking for you and for the type of products and services you have to offer them.
Think about this – when you’re looking for an accountant do you search out a plumber? Now you may ask your plumber to REFER you to a good tax accountant right? You would not want your plumber doing your taxes would you?
When you’re looking for a high quality products do you go to the dollar store? Probably not! So why are you speaking with and searching out people who do if your products are of higher quality? Make sense?
How do you know where people buy their products? You ask them! If they tell you the dollar store that’s a pretty good sign that they are not your target market so there’s no point in wasting your time or theirs on convincing them to buy yours!
The same thing goes for convincing people about Network Marketing. Targeting people who are already educated and experienced in this profession will save you a lot of time and headaches.
Start networking in areas where other networkers congregate online and make connections with them. Introduce yourself and share your ‘talents’ not your business opportunity. Get to know people, find out about their talents, express a genuine interest in others and offer to give back, share information, give direction and advice when you have something to offer of value to others.
Have Motivated People With A Winning Attitude Find You!
In over a decade in this profession, I’ve learned a lot about other people and about myself. The single most important thing learned is how important self development is to your success.
Here is the one thing that has to happen for you to become successful in anything you attempt to do: you must first build yourself and your own talents. When you do, you develop something that is all important to success in networking: posture.
What is posture?
It’s when you have so much confidence in yourself and what you’re doing that you look for the most talented people you can find to join you in your business. It’s when you’re no longer afraid to talk with the most successful people you run into.
You become a talent scout interested in others, instead of a recruiter interested only in you!
The path of the recruiter – when I started out in this business, I was a recruiter. Everyone I saw or ran into was a prospect or a mark! I was a living three-foot rule: no matter who they were or what sort of attitude or interest they had, I was determined to recruit every single person that I saw or spoke with.
How was it? It was a disaster! But it was also a very good learning experience for me, at any rate. In the years since I’ve learned a good deal: and first and foremost, I’ve learned that what it takes to really become successful is not about being the best recruiter. Even those networkers who are phenomenal recruiting machines, while they may be successful for a time, eventually fizzle out.
Why? Because they recruit just anyone. They talk and persuade people into joining with them, even when those people don’t really want to. Most of the people recruiters enroll say “yes” when they really mean “no”. They say “yes” just to get the recruiter off their backs!
What happens? The majority of people the recruiters recruit end up quitting because they didn’t have what it takes to succeed in this business in the first place. The recruiter most likely is not aware of this because chances are,, he didn’t stick around long enough to train them or show them actually HOW to do the business. He’s too busy recruiting his next dozen victims.
Recruiters may not take the time to actually get to know people, to ask them what they are interested in, what their personal goals are or what sort of talents they have. They’re after the sign-up; the thrill of the sign-up is a rush for them.
Most recruiters are not very good trainers or leaders. They just don’t have time to train: they’re too busy recruiting.
The Path of the Talent Scout –
If you really want to become very successful in this profession, forget about being a recruiter: learn instead how to be a talent scout!
This takes time and you must first develop yourself as a leader. Hang out with talented leaders, listen to them, learn from them, read books on leadership, listen to great audio tapes on leadership, sit in on conference calls. Becoming wealthy in this profession very quickly is a myth. It happens, but not that often. You’ve got to pay your dues!
Constantly keep your eyes and ears open for talented women and men that you’d like to partner with. All the sacrifice, time and hard work to develop yourself into a leader and talent scout will be worth it because you’ll find out that talented people start to search you out!
Develop yourself into a top talent scout and look for the most talented people you can and you’ll get to the point where you can be very selective in who you choose to work with.
What is talent?
Who has “talent”? The person with a PHD? The guy or gal who’s already very successful? Well, sometimes, but for the most part, what you look for are people who are highly motivated, people with a winning attitude like yourself! Look for ordinary people who can do ordinary things extraordinarily well.
There’s no need to be fearful of speaking with extremely successful people about what you’re doing. Remember, you’re a talent scout – not a recruiter! When you have a talent scout’s attitude, successful people will recognize and will gladly speak with you because they realize that you are not out to recruit them and take a genuine interest in them!
Will everyone join you? Maybe, maybe not. But does it matter? No, because if they don’t , others will. You know this is true, because there’s talent out there and you’re now a talent scout!
When you get to this place, when you start to seek out the right people to partner with you in your business enterprise, you’ll be absolutely amazed at the people who start to be attracted to you and contact you. Become a talent scout instead of a recruiter and watch what happens with your success ratio!
Brand yourself as a connector, determine your target market and become a talent scout.
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. She offers more free tips, resources, coaching and MLM online marketing training at ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
People start to know who you are and what you are giving back in the way of value and content that they can actually use to develop themselves too. It's when you decide to brand 'you' first vs 'advertising' your company or products first.
People are looking for other people that they like and trust to help them grow and succeed. After they learn to trust you then they may ask you about your company and/or products and services, training and informational content you have to offer.
Everyone has something to offer. Everyone has some sort of skills or content they are experienced in or an interest right? For instance I found out I'm allergic to wheat and gluten so I'm into gluten free cooking now big time! That's something to write about and offer to others that are looking for this sort of information. Does that mean everyone interested in GF cooking will be interested in my business? Of course not! I do however make a lot of connections and friends to share ideas/recipes on this subject.
You can even write a blog on this type of subject and attract a lot of people who are looking to share this sort of information.
Personally this was learned many years ago from mentors who were an encouragement online back in 1996. They encouraged to develop a presence online and brand you vs branding a specific company or product. So that's what I did starting with no experience at all and no contacts or credibility online. All of this has been developed through many years of making connections online, building relationships, hard work and effort. It's not been easy and there have been some rough times with plenty of frustrations.
We started out using email and online forums in 1996 and always picked up the telephone to call people and developing the relationship. Then we went on to develop landing pages, replicated and personal websites where you connect people with YOU first and then your opportunity if they are interested in what you have to offer they will ask you about it. Then audio came along and now there's video to make online connections and branding even more personal.
So I always encourage people to realize that anyone can do this if they decide to and stay with it. Learn from those who have been there done that and then once you do learn give back! Make sure you always set up your profile with a personal photo of yourself first thing. That's the first sign of branding YOU.
Even when you do not have a lot of experience yet you know something, have some sort of skills, can share content worth something when you start to think this way. In the beginning you may have to share other people's stuff, articles, information you come across as you're learning - you get the idea right? Just be sure to obtain their permission.
Set your mind in the direction of thinking that -
It's always about other people and what they are interested in and looking for! It may not always be your opportunity or products at this time and it may never be, so what, get YOU connected because you never know what will happen when the timing is right for someone! They'll be in touch with the people they've connected with who show a genuine interest in THEM!
Who’s Your Niche Market & Are You Targeting Them?
Do you know who your niche market is? What is a niche? These are people who are already using your type of products or services and all your doing is speaking with them about switching to your products and services which are of higher quality and comparable in price.
In other words, people who are already using products and services similar to yours in price will most likely buy yours at the same price. You explain the difference in quality of yours vs the other brand. If you are selling gourmet products, people who are buying cheap products of low quality would not be your niche or target market.
Your target market could also be other network marketers or people who have been searching for a network marketing home business. You could also target network marketers who have been burned in MLM before and searching for the right opportunity to help them grow. If you are an experienced MLMer or trainer your target market may be people looking for a mentor or coach.
It’s much easier and more fun when you’re speaking with people who are actually looking for you and for the type of products and services you have to offer them.
Think about this – when you’re looking for an accountant do you search out a plumber? Now you may ask your plumber to REFER you to a good tax accountant right? You would not want your plumber doing your taxes would you?
When you’re looking for a high quality products do you go to the dollar store? Probably not! So why are you speaking with and searching out people who do if your products are of higher quality? Make sense?
How do you know where people buy their products? You ask them! If they tell you the dollar store that’s a pretty good sign that they are not your target market so there’s no point in wasting your time or theirs on convincing them to buy yours!
The same thing goes for convincing people about Network Marketing. Targeting people who are already educated and experienced in this profession will save you a lot of time and headaches.
Start networking in areas where other networkers congregate online and make connections with them. Introduce yourself and share your ‘talents’ not your business opportunity. Get to know people, find out about their talents, express a genuine interest in others and offer to give back, share information, give direction and advice when you have something to offer of value to others.
Have Motivated People With A Winning Attitude Find You!
In over a decade in this profession, I’ve learned a lot about other people and about myself. The single most important thing learned is how important self development is to your success.
Here is the one thing that has to happen for you to become successful in anything you attempt to do: you must first build yourself and your own talents. When you do, you develop something that is all important to success in networking: posture.
What is posture?
It’s when you have so much confidence in yourself and what you’re doing that you look for the most talented people you can find to join you in your business. It’s when you’re no longer afraid to talk with the most successful people you run into.
You become a talent scout interested in others, instead of a recruiter interested only in you!
The path of the recruiter – when I started out in this business, I was a recruiter. Everyone I saw or ran into was a prospect or a mark! I was a living three-foot rule: no matter who they were or what sort of attitude or interest they had, I was determined to recruit every single person that I saw or spoke with.
How was it? It was a disaster! But it was also a very good learning experience for me, at any rate. In the years since I’ve learned a good deal: and first and foremost, I’ve learned that what it takes to really become successful is not about being the best recruiter. Even those networkers who are phenomenal recruiting machines, while they may be successful for a time, eventually fizzle out.
Why? Because they recruit just anyone. They talk and persuade people into joining with them, even when those people don’t really want to. Most of the people recruiters enroll say “yes” when they really mean “no”. They say “yes” just to get the recruiter off their backs!
What happens? The majority of people the recruiters recruit end up quitting because they didn’t have what it takes to succeed in this business in the first place. The recruiter most likely is not aware of this because chances are,, he didn’t stick around long enough to train them or show them actually HOW to do the business. He’s too busy recruiting his next dozen victims.
Recruiters may not take the time to actually get to know people, to ask them what they are interested in, what their personal goals are or what sort of talents they have. They’re after the sign-up; the thrill of the sign-up is a rush for them.
Most recruiters are not very good trainers or leaders. They just don’t have time to train: they’re too busy recruiting.
The Path of the Talent Scout –
If you really want to become very successful in this profession, forget about being a recruiter: learn instead how to be a talent scout!
This takes time and you must first develop yourself as a leader. Hang out with talented leaders, listen to them, learn from them, read books on leadership, listen to great audio tapes on leadership, sit in on conference calls. Becoming wealthy in this profession very quickly is a myth. It happens, but not that often. You’ve got to pay your dues!
Constantly keep your eyes and ears open for talented women and men that you’d like to partner with. All the sacrifice, time and hard work to develop yourself into a leader and talent scout will be worth it because you’ll find out that talented people start to search you out!
Develop yourself into a top talent scout and look for the most talented people you can and you’ll get to the point where you can be very selective in who you choose to work with.
What is talent?
Who has “talent”? The person with a PHD? The guy or gal who’s already very successful? Well, sometimes, but for the most part, what you look for are people who are highly motivated, people with a winning attitude like yourself! Look for ordinary people who can do ordinary things extraordinarily well.
There’s no need to be fearful of speaking with extremely successful people about what you’re doing. Remember, you’re a talent scout – not a recruiter! When you have a talent scout’s attitude, successful people will recognize and will gladly speak with you because they realize that you are not out to recruit them and take a genuine interest in them!
Will everyone join you? Maybe, maybe not. But does it matter? No, because if they don’t , others will. You know this is true, because there’s talent out there and you’re now a talent scout!
When you get to this place, when you start to seek out the right people to partner with you in your business enterprise, you’ll be absolutely amazed at the people who start to be attracted to you and contact you. Become a talent scout instead of a recruiter and watch what happens with your success ratio!
Brand yourself as a connector, determine your target market and become a talent scout.
Sue Seward is an MLM Online Marketing coach and author who has been making connections online since 1996. She is a full time career earner in Network Marketing and lives at Lake Travis in Austin Texas with her husband and two sons. She offers more free tips, resources, coaching and MLM online marketing training at ->http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sue's Online Marketing eCourse Tips On Getting Personal
From the Home Office of Sue Seward -
Austin, Texas
April 16, 2009
So you wanta get up front and personal huh?!
I've expressed my professional opinion before about building a
business online using a personal website.
I'm not totally against using this method because I've been
building online myself since 1996 and have used a personal website
for many years to brand myself. It's not totally impossible to
duplicate, just a bit more difficult and more time consuming
especially with much more competition online these days.
Yes it's true, there are billions of people online - the thing is
to attract them to YOUR personal website! That's the part that
also takes time to build - it's all about networking and building
relationships with people. I've always said too that Rome was not
built in a day!
So if you have the time to spend developing a personal website and
getting it ranked high in the search engines then I say go for it!
This is a part of my eCourse training -
Online Marketing Systems - Personal Websites & Blogging
Having a personal website that brands YOU can be a very effective way
to market online.
It's very important though to understand the timing for developing
a personal website. I've been branding myself online for over twelve
years. This is something that takes time and consistent efforts to
do effectively and produce an income.
Here's my recommendation - remember this is just my opinion after
developing a full time career income in this industry. It's your
business and you are welcome of course to build it any way you
choose too.
After you have developed a consistent income of at least $3,500 a
month ( or lower if you have the extra time and choose to start
one sooner - it's totally up to you) in Network Marketing and are
covering your budget start thinking of developing a personal website
either yourself or if you have the budget to pay someone seek
assistance from someone experienced in this area.
"If you want to increase your net-WORTH then you must increase
your net-WORK." #1 MLM Prosperity Coach Jeffery Combs
Building a personal website can be very time consuming and could take
away from your prospecting and sponsoring activities which is what
pays you your income.
Some other ideas would be to develop a blog and again do this
AFTER you have achieved your prospecting activities for the day.
In other words use your off time after prospecting to work on
your blog.
It's very important to have a replicated marketing 'system' that
you can have set up and working for you day one and your team
members can also be duplicating as well. It's very difficult to
duplicate someone like myself who has been branding online
for over twelve years. You'll spend hours and hours working on
your website while people who have been branding online for
years are signing up people and building their incomes.
SYSTEM means - Save Your Self Time Energy & Money -
If you are not earning the income you'd like to be then prospecting
should be your main priority and having a 'system' to send your
prospects too will save you a lot of time, energy and money!
An online marketing system consist of a replicated website that
everyone with your team will have access to - a tour landing page
that every prospect fills out for access to your website
information - and an autoresponder system that drips information
to your prospect even while you are sleeping, working another job,
on vacation, etc.
Most marketing systems have a MY STORY page too that you can
personalize to you, add your photo and your personal website link
if you have one, blog, etc.
When you ARE ready to start developing a personal website here
are a few tips - (always check with your sponsor/upline too for the
online system they may be using.)
Make sure you brand yourself as a professional and an expert in
your field. Always have a personal photo (professionally taken is
best) on your website along with a story about yourself and why you
started a home business.
Offering a free cd, drawing, newsletter, ecourse, ezine, are all
great ways to make connections with people and offer content value.
Make sure you have a REQUEST INFORMATION form set up on your
personal website asking various questions such as:
Have You Ever Owned Your Own Business?
How Much Money Would You Like To Earn Monthly?
How Much Money Are You Willing To Invest?
How Much Time Are You Willing To Invest?
Describe Exp In MLM?
Have a link to your marketing system on your blog or personal
website listed in the MENU with How I Earn Money From
Place links to your articles if you have them or you could post
industry articles from some of your favorite mentors and trainers
with their permission.
If you have a blog put that on your personal site in the menu.
As always keep it simple, clean, and professional.
When selecting keywords for your personal website or blog, you need
to begin by determining the goal of your site which is to share your
business opportunity. If you put yourself in the place of
your prospect who is searching for a home business, when they go to
the search engines, what words would they type in the search box to
find what they're looking for and find you?
Take the basic keywords and build combinations or phrases centered
around the words.
Also, be thinking about your target market and add those
keywords as well. For example: work at home, homebased business,
MLM, network marketing, internet marketing, online marketing,
network marketing training, network marketing coach, network
marketing mentor, (your type industry and product
names here), etc.
Now, here comes the key; Your keywords need to be RELEVANT to your
site. The keywords you're selecting should be sprinkled somewhere
within the text of your site if you're goal is to capture a good
site ranking for those keywords. Remember, your text needs to be
free of company trademark names.
This is getting a bit more advanced, but there are many places to
put your keywords beyond just the text; in your site's title and
description, in the "alt" section of your images, your page titles
(page names in the menu bar). If you're using SiteBuilder (see
below) there are tools plugged into that system that help you do
Site Builder is a bit more advanced and is designed to get
you listed HIGH in the search engines. I've built several
websites using this system . It's a bit time consuming
and more analytical. Once you learn it properly you'll
get higher rankings like I have.
What this means is when someone is searching certain key
words SBI does the work at getting your site listed higher
when someone puts in that key word your site is listed in the
first 1-10 sites. Most people according to the SBI experts
do not click down below this. They usually click on a site
within the first 10 sites listed.
This is crucial because you are spending your time and
money on putting a website together and if no one finds it you
will not get traffic which converts to sign ups and that
means more income flowing in to your business! (you'll
receive more training in this eCourse too on driving traffic
OFFline to your ONline business, other ways to direct people
to your personal website or marketing system.)
Blogging -
A blog is much like a personal website only its focus is more of a
personal journal or diary that's left open for everyone to read.
A blog is a wonderful complement to your personal website,
newsletters and articles, and overall building your presence online.
Your blog writing will center around a specific topic related to
your target market. Each post will contain your personal thoughts,
experiences, resources or training relevant to your topic. The key
is to develop your style of writing.
Much like the personal website, it's a tool to share who you are
and begin establishing relationships. However, with a blog, your
site visitors can leave comments and the relationship becomes a two
way conversation.
Here is a "getting started" guide to blogging:
1. Who is your ideal reader?
2. Examine the reasons or purpose of why you want to publish a
3. How do you want your readers to feel when they read your blog?
What's your writing style - humorous, visionary, educator??
4. What do you want your readers to do when they read your blog? -
call to action
5. How much time do you have to devote to your blog each week?
Start planning a schedule for writing.
6. Name your blog. Think in terms of keywords and target market.
What's your niche? How does it relate to your online presence?
7. Sign up for a blog account:
8. Register a domain name for your blog; for example
mine is SuccessfulMLMER.com or you could use the word
BLOG in your blog domain name!
9. Set up your blog.
- Choose a template that best suits your style with colors, layout,
and side bar items
- Choose colors that complements your personal website, logo/header
- Set up your content categories and lists
- Develop your "author profile"
10. Drive traffic to your blog site:
- Submit to blog directories and search engines
- Submit to regular search engines like Google and Yahoo
- Have a sign up form on your blog so visitors can get your posts
by email - this can be set up through Aweber.
- Syndicate your blog with RSS feeds. Any website you have may
offer an RSS feed feature. When you set this up, this means that
whenever you post something on your blog, it will show up on the
website you've placed the RSS feed.
For example, when I post on my blog, it shows up on my squidoo
page. If I'm posting on my blog through wordpress, I can have it
show up on my personal website because our site system allows for
RSS feeds.
11. Create links to your blog:
- put a link in your email signature file
- on your personal website or any profile pages within social
- Article Resource Box
- in your newsletter
- Business Cards
12. Blogging is another resource for online networking. Comment on
other blogs related to your target market, build your credibility,
and drive traffic to your blog. When you post on another's blog,
your name/ID profile will be a hyperlink back to you.
Website Building Systems I've Used -
(a bit more complicated and technical at first but they guarantee
to get you listed higher in the search engines and that's what you
want. After all what use is a website if no one can find it?)
People are not searching for you - they are searching for
INFORMATION and content is key. SBI teaches you how to do
this effectively!
Here's two of the websites I've built using Site-Build-It -
(This is another user friendly website building system that
I used to build my personal website at -
Another great resource (the only cost is your time) you can use
to build a personal brand online is -
They call it a LENS - here's mine -
See you out on the net!
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward - Entrepreneur
Network Marketing Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Earn Extra Cash From Home – F.r.e.e Online Networking eCourse-
subscribe at - >http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Austin, Texas
April 16, 2009
So you wanta get up front and personal huh?!
I've expressed my professional opinion before about building a
business online using a personal website.
I'm not totally against using this method because I've been
building online myself since 1996 and have used a personal website
for many years to brand myself. It's not totally impossible to
duplicate, just a bit more difficult and more time consuming
especially with much more competition online these days.
Yes it's true, there are billions of people online - the thing is
to attract them to YOUR personal website! That's the part that
also takes time to build - it's all about networking and building
relationships with people. I've always said too that Rome was not
built in a day!
So if you have the time to spend developing a personal website and
getting it ranked high in the search engines then I say go for it!
This is a part of my eCourse training -
Online Marketing Systems - Personal Websites & Blogging
Having a personal website that brands YOU can be a very effective way
to market online.
It's very important though to understand the timing for developing
a personal website. I've been branding myself online for over twelve
years. This is something that takes time and consistent efforts to
do effectively and produce an income.
Here's my recommendation - remember this is just my opinion after
developing a full time career income in this industry. It's your
business and you are welcome of course to build it any way you
choose too.
After you have developed a consistent income of at least $3,500 a
month ( or lower if you have the extra time and choose to start
one sooner - it's totally up to you) in Network Marketing and are
covering your budget start thinking of developing a personal website
either yourself or if you have the budget to pay someone seek
assistance from someone experienced in this area.
"If you want to increase your net-WORTH then you must increase
your net-WORK." #1 MLM Prosperity Coach Jeffery Combs
Building a personal website can be very time consuming and could take
away from your prospecting and sponsoring activities which is what
pays you your income.
Some other ideas would be to develop a blog and again do this
AFTER you have achieved your prospecting activities for the day.
In other words use your off time after prospecting to work on
your blog.
It's very important to have a replicated marketing 'system' that
you can have set up and working for you day one and your team
members can also be duplicating as well. It's very difficult to
duplicate someone like myself who has been branding online
for over twelve years. You'll spend hours and hours working on
your website while people who have been branding online for
years are signing up people and building their incomes.
SYSTEM means - Save Your Self Time Energy & Money -
If you are not earning the income you'd like to be then prospecting
should be your main priority and having a 'system' to send your
prospects too will save you a lot of time, energy and money!
An online marketing system consist of a replicated website that
everyone with your team will have access to - a tour landing page
that every prospect fills out for access to your website
information - and an autoresponder system that drips information
to your prospect even while you are sleeping, working another job,
on vacation, etc.
Most marketing systems have a MY STORY page too that you can
personalize to you, add your photo and your personal website link
if you have one, blog, etc.
When you ARE ready to start developing a personal website here
are a few tips - (always check with your sponsor/upline too for the
online system they may be using.)
Make sure you brand yourself as a professional and an expert in
your field. Always have a personal photo (professionally taken is
best) on your website along with a story about yourself and why you
started a home business.
Offering a free cd, drawing, newsletter, ecourse, ezine, are all
great ways to make connections with people and offer content value.
Make sure you have a REQUEST INFORMATION form set up on your
personal website asking various questions such as:
Have You Ever Owned Your Own Business?
How Much Money Would You Like To Earn Monthly?
How Much Money Are You Willing To Invest?
How Much Time Are You Willing To Invest?
Describe Exp In MLM?
Have a link to your marketing system on your blog or personal
website listed in the MENU with How I Earn Money From
Place links to your articles if you have them or you could post
industry articles from some of your favorite mentors and trainers
with their permission.
If you have a blog put that on your personal site in the menu.
As always keep it simple, clean, and professional.
When selecting keywords for your personal website or blog, you need
to begin by determining the goal of your site which is to share your
business opportunity. If you put yourself in the place of
your prospect who is searching for a home business, when they go to
the search engines, what words would they type in the search box to
find what they're looking for and find you?
Take the basic keywords and build combinations or phrases centered
around the words.
Also, be thinking about your target market and add those
keywords as well. For example: work at home, homebased business,
MLM, network marketing, internet marketing, online marketing,
network marketing training, network marketing coach, network
marketing mentor, (your type industry and product
names here), etc.
Now, here comes the key; Your keywords need to be RELEVANT to your
site. The keywords you're selecting should be sprinkled somewhere
within the text of your site if you're goal is to capture a good
site ranking for those keywords. Remember, your text needs to be
free of company trademark names.
This is getting a bit more advanced, but there are many places to
put your keywords beyond just the text; in your site's title and
description, in the "alt" section of your images, your page titles
(page names in the menu bar). If you're using SiteBuilder (see
below) there are tools plugged into that system that help you do
Site Builder is a bit more advanced and is designed to get
you listed HIGH in the search engines. I've built several
websites using this system . It's a bit time consuming
and more analytical. Once you learn it properly you'll
get higher rankings like I have.
What this means is when someone is searching certain key
words SBI does the work at getting your site listed higher
when someone puts in that key word your site is listed in the
first 1-10 sites. Most people according to the SBI experts
do not click down below this. They usually click on a site
within the first 10 sites listed.
This is crucial because you are spending your time and
money on putting a website together and if no one finds it you
will not get traffic which converts to sign ups and that
means more income flowing in to your business! (you'll
receive more training in this eCourse too on driving traffic
OFFline to your ONline business, other ways to direct people
to your personal website or marketing system.)
Blogging -
A blog is much like a personal website only its focus is more of a
personal journal or diary that's left open for everyone to read.
A blog is a wonderful complement to your personal website,
newsletters and articles, and overall building your presence online.
Your blog writing will center around a specific topic related to
your target market. Each post will contain your personal thoughts,
experiences, resources or training relevant to your topic. The key
is to develop your style of writing.
Much like the personal website, it's a tool to share who you are
and begin establishing relationships. However, with a blog, your
site visitors can leave comments and the relationship becomes a two
way conversation.
Here is a "getting started" guide to blogging:
1. Who is your ideal reader?
2. Examine the reasons or purpose of why you want to publish a
3. How do you want your readers to feel when they read your blog?
What's your writing style - humorous, visionary, educator??
4. What do you want your readers to do when they read your blog? -
call to action
5. How much time do you have to devote to your blog each week?
Start planning a schedule for writing.
6. Name your blog. Think in terms of keywords and target market.
What's your niche? How does it relate to your online presence?
7. Sign up for a blog account:
8. Register a domain name for your blog; for example
mine is SuccessfulMLMER.com or you could use the word
BLOG in your blog domain name!
9. Set up your blog.
- Choose a template that best suits your style with colors, layout,
and side bar items
- Choose colors that complements your personal website, logo/header
- Set up your content categories and lists
- Develop your "author profile"
10. Drive traffic to your blog site:
- Submit to blog directories and search engines
- Submit to regular search engines like Google and Yahoo
- Have a sign up form on your blog so visitors can get your posts
by email - this can be set up through Aweber.
- Syndicate your blog with RSS feeds. Any website you have may
offer an RSS feed feature. When you set this up, this means that
whenever you post something on your blog, it will show up on the
website you've placed the RSS feed.
For example, when I post on my blog, it shows up on my squidoo
page. If I'm posting on my blog through wordpress, I can have it
show up on my personal website because our site system allows for
RSS feeds.
11. Create links to your blog:
- put a link in your email signature file
- on your personal website or any profile pages within social
- Article Resource Box
- in your newsletter
- Business Cards
12. Blogging is another resource for online networking. Comment on
other blogs related to your target market, build your credibility,
and drive traffic to your blog. When you post on another's blog,
your name/ID profile will be a hyperlink back to you.
Website Building Systems I've Used -
(a bit more complicated and technical at first but they guarantee
to get you listed higher in the search engines and that's what you
want. After all what use is a website if no one can find it?)
People are not searching for you - they are searching for
INFORMATION and content is key. SBI teaches you how to do
this effectively!
Here's two of the websites I've built using Site-Build-It -
(This is another user friendly website building system that
I used to build my personal website at -
Another great resource (the only cost is your time) you can use
to build a personal brand online is -
They call it a LENS - here's mine -
See you out on the net!
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward - Entrepreneur
Network Marketing Coach
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Earn Extra Cash From Home – F.r.e.e Online Networking eCourse-
subscribe at - >http://www.ecommercehomebiz.com
Friday, March 20, 2009
Are You The Only One Duplicating Or Is Your Network Duplicating Too?
Copyright © 2009 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved.
"If you want to increase your net-WORTH then you must increase your net-WORK." #1 MLM Prosperity Coach Jeffery Combs
SYSTEM means - Save Your Self Time Energy & Money –
It's very important to have a replicated marketing 'system' that anyone can have set up and working for duplication day one and one that their team members can also be duplicating as well. It's very difficult to duplicate someone like myself and others who have been branding online for years because most people will spend hours and hours working on their personal website while those experienced who have been branding online for years are signing up people who are finding them online.
Consequently these experienced online marketers are building their incomes while others are building their personal website systems.
In some cases, this could even be the upline competing with their own organization out on the net because they’ve had their personal website set up and branding themselves online for many years.
When attending company events instead of having 15 to 20 frontline leaders wouldn’t it be great to have 4 or 5 strong frontline leaders attending with their own teams which means the ‘system’ is duplicating and not one person doing all the sponsoring.
What this means is creating leverage because the team is sponsoring using the ‘system’. Let’s face it, how many people are top recruiters who sponsor 15 to 20 people a month? In fact, the majority will only sponsor 2 or 3 people a month at the most and many only one a month. Most of the top income earners in our industry have two or three really strong legs and many have only one or two that they earn 95% of their income on.
If there’s only one person at the top of your company’s pay plan that’s consistently been the only one at the top for more than five years, is that ‘person’ really being duplicated? If they were wouldn’t there be more than one person at the top position with them?
What this means is that this top person is most likely a recruiting machine and the majority of team members are not able to duplicate them. It’s obvious that if the system was being duplicated on a consistent basis there would be more than one person at the top of the pay plan. In essence the upline could be competing with their own downline. It’s almost like being in corporate America where there’s only one CEO is at the top and no one is able to duplicate them and share that top position at the same time.
If someone’s not earning the income they'd like to be then prospecting should be the main priority and having a 'system' to send prospects too will save them and their organization a lot of time, energy and money because the ‘system’ is a lot easier to duplicate than trying to duplicate a top recruiter.
A marketing system consist of a replicated website that everyone with your team has access to - a tour landing page that every prospect fills out for access to your website information – and an autoresponder system that drips information to your prospect even while you are sleeping, working another job, spending time with your family, being on vacation, etc.
Most marketing systems have a MY STORY page too that can be personalized by adding a photo and even a personal website link, blog, etc. Having a personal website that brands YOU can be a very effective way to market online when done properly when the time is right.
It's very important to understand the timing for developing a personal website. I've been branding myself online for over twelve years. This is something that takes time and consistent efforts to
do effectively and produce a long term passive residual income.
Here's my recommendation - remember this is just an opinion after developing a full time career income in this profession. It's your business and you are welcome of course to build it any way you choose too.
After you have developed a consistent income of at least $3,500 a month in Network Marketing and are covering your budget start thinking of developing a personal website either yourself or if you
have the budget to pay someone seek assistance from someone experienced in this area. It can be quite expensive to hire outside help especially to have it done professionally.
Building a personal website can take away from your prospecting and sponsoring activities which is what pays you your income so keep that in mind.
Some other ideas would be to develop a blog and again do this AFTER you have achieved your prospecting goals/activities for the day. In other words use your off time after prospecting to work on
your personal branding blog. Setting up profiles in social networking community websites is another option for personal branding online. Be sure to leave a website on your profile that links to your online marketing system.
When the time is right to start developing a personal website here are a few tips -
Make sure you brand yourself as a professional and an expert in your field. Again this is why timing is critical because you want to make sure that if you are branding yourself as an expert in the field of Network marketing that you have actually developed an income, in other words have walked the talk.
This is so important in today’s economy because people are looking for people who have actually done it and not just talking about it so if you’re going to create a personal website create one on something that you have actually had success with. If it’s about earning an income make sure you are earning one.
“You cannot build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” Henry Ford
Always have a personal photo (professionally taken is best) on your website along with a story about yourself and why you started a home business.
Offering a free cd, drawing, newsletter, ecourse, ezine, are all great ways to make a connection with people.
Make sure you have a REQUEST INFORMATION form set up on your personal website asking various questions such as:
Have You Ever Owned Your Own Business?
How Much Money Would You Like To Earn Monthly?
How Much Money Are You Willing To Invest?
How Much Time Are You Willing To Invest?
Describe Exp In MLM?
Have a link to your marketing system on your blog or personal website listed in the MENU with ‘How I Earn Money From Home’....
Place links to your articles if you have them or you could post industry articles from some of your favorite mentors and trainers with their permission.
If you have a blog put that on your personal site in the menu.
As always keep it simple, clean, and professional and always add links to your marketing system.
When selecting keywords for your personal website or blog, you need to begin by determining the goal of your site which is to share your business opportunity. If you put yourself in the place of your prospect who’s searching for a home business, when they go to the search engines, what words would they type in the search box to find what they're looking for and find you?
Take the basic keywords and build combinations or phrases centered around the words.
Also, be thinking about your target market and add those keywords as well. For example: work at home mom home business, work at home dad home business, network marketing (your type industry here) business, etc.
Now, here comes the key; Your keywords need to be RELEVANT to your site. The keywords you're selecting should be sprinkled somewhere within the text of your site if you're goal is to capture a good
site ranking for those keywords. Remember, your text needs to be free of company trademark names.
Another great free resource you can use to build a personal brand online is Squidoo-
They call it a LENS - here's mine - Sue On Squidoo
Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur who has developed a full career income from home online since 1996. She teaches people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term business profits. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. For more business building training online and to subscribe to Sue’s free online eCourse visit - eCommerceHomeBiz.com
"If you want to increase your net-WORTH then you must increase your net-WORK." #1 MLM Prosperity Coach Jeffery Combs
SYSTEM means - Save Your Self Time Energy & Money –
It's very important to have a replicated marketing 'system' that anyone can have set up and working for duplication day one and one that their team members can also be duplicating as well. It's very difficult to duplicate someone like myself and others who have been branding online for years because most people will spend hours and hours working on their personal website while those experienced who have been branding online for years are signing up people who are finding them online.
Consequently these experienced online marketers are building their incomes while others are building their personal website systems.
In some cases, this could even be the upline competing with their own organization out on the net because they’ve had their personal website set up and branding themselves online for many years.
When attending company events instead of having 15 to 20 frontline leaders wouldn’t it be great to have 4 or 5 strong frontline leaders attending with their own teams which means the ‘system’ is duplicating and not one person doing all the sponsoring.
What this means is creating leverage because the team is sponsoring using the ‘system’. Let’s face it, how many people are top recruiters who sponsor 15 to 20 people a month? In fact, the majority will only sponsor 2 or 3 people a month at the most and many only one a month. Most of the top income earners in our industry have two or three really strong legs and many have only one or two that they earn 95% of their income on.
If there’s only one person at the top of your company’s pay plan that’s consistently been the only one at the top for more than five years, is that ‘person’ really being duplicated? If they were wouldn’t there be more than one person at the top position with them?
What this means is that this top person is most likely a recruiting machine and the majority of team members are not able to duplicate them. It’s obvious that if the system was being duplicated on a consistent basis there would be more than one person at the top of the pay plan. In essence the upline could be competing with their own downline. It’s almost like being in corporate America where there’s only one CEO is at the top and no one is able to duplicate them and share that top position at the same time.
If someone’s not earning the income they'd like to be then prospecting should be the main priority and having a 'system' to send prospects too will save them and their organization a lot of time, energy and money because the ‘system’ is a lot easier to duplicate than trying to duplicate a top recruiter.
A marketing system consist of a replicated website that everyone with your team has access to - a tour landing page that every prospect fills out for access to your website information – and an autoresponder system that drips information to your prospect even while you are sleeping, working another job, spending time with your family, being on vacation, etc.
Most marketing systems have a MY STORY page too that can be personalized by adding a photo and even a personal website link, blog, etc. Having a personal website that brands YOU can be a very effective way to market online when done properly when the time is right.
It's very important to understand the timing for developing a personal website. I've been branding myself online for over twelve years. This is something that takes time and consistent efforts to
do effectively and produce a long term passive residual income.
Here's my recommendation - remember this is just an opinion after developing a full time career income in this profession. It's your business and you are welcome of course to build it any way you choose too.
After you have developed a consistent income of at least $3,500 a month in Network Marketing and are covering your budget start thinking of developing a personal website either yourself or if you
have the budget to pay someone seek assistance from someone experienced in this area. It can be quite expensive to hire outside help especially to have it done professionally.
Building a personal website can take away from your prospecting and sponsoring activities which is what pays you your income so keep that in mind.
Some other ideas would be to develop a blog and again do this AFTER you have achieved your prospecting goals/activities for the day. In other words use your off time after prospecting to work on
your personal branding blog. Setting up profiles in social networking community websites is another option for personal branding online. Be sure to leave a website on your profile that links to your online marketing system.
When the time is right to start developing a personal website here are a few tips -
Make sure you brand yourself as a professional and an expert in your field. Again this is why timing is critical because you want to make sure that if you are branding yourself as an expert in the field of Network marketing that you have actually developed an income, in other words have walked the talk.
This is so important in today’s economy because people are looking for people who have actually done it and not just talking about it so if you’re going to create a personal website create one on something that you have actually had success with. If it’s about earning an income make sure you are earning one.
“You cannot build a reputation on what you’re going to do.” Henry Ford
Always have a personal photo (professionally taken is best) on your website along with a story about yourself and why you started a home business.
Offering a free cd, drawing, newsletter, ecourse, ezine, are all great ways to make a connection with people.
Make sure you have a REQUEST INFORMATION form set up on your personal website asking various questions such as:
Have You Ever Owned Your Own Business?
How Much Money Would You Like To Earn Monthly?
How Much Money Are You Willing To Invest?
How Much Time Are You Willing To Invest?
Describe Exp In MLM?
Have a link to your marketing system on your blog or personal website listed in the MENU with ‘How I Earn Money From Home’....
Place links to your articles if you have them or you could post industry articles from some of your favorite mentors and trainers with their permission.
If you have a blog put that on your personal site in the menu.
As always keep it simple, clean, and professional and always add links to your marketing system.
When selecting keywords for your personal website or blog, you need to begin by determining the goal of your site which is to share your business opportunity. If you put yourself in the place of your prospect who’s searching for a home business, when they go to the search engines, what words would they type in the search box to find what they're looking for and find you?
Take the basic keywords and build combinations or phrases centered around the words.
Also, be thinking about your target market and add those keywords as well. For example: work at home mom home business, work at home dad home business, network marketing (your type industry here) business, etc.
Now, here comes the key; Your keywords need to be RELEVANT to your site. The keywords you're selecting should be sprinkled somewhere within the text of your site if you're goal is to capture a good
site ranking for those keywords. Remember, your text needs to be free of company trademark names.
Another great free resource you can use to build a personal brand online is Squidoo-
They call it a LENS - here's mine - Sue On Squidoo
Sue is a wife, mom, entrepreneur who has developed a full career income from home online since 1996. She teaches people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term business profits. She is also a public speaker and published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. For more business building training online and to subscribe to Sue’s free online eCourse visit - eCommerceHomeBiz.com
Monday, February 09, 2009
Direct Selling Women's Alliance Mentored By The Master series with Sue Seward
Step back in time and think about when you started your direct selling business.
You were excited about the prospect of working for yourself and motivated to really "make a go" of your business. In the early days, you probably learned a painful lesson or two.
Fast forward to today. You're moving forward and you may realize you have more questions than answers; questions about time management, balancing the demands of a growing organization and keeping sight of your real goals.
Why not take a quicker route to success?
I'm excited to share with you a fantastic program from the DSWA called: Mentored by the Masters: Proven tips and strategies for greater passion, purpose and profits.
Guess who is this month's featured Mentor? That's right-me! I invite you to participate in this valuable program that brings years of direct selling experience right to your door!
You will learn strategies taught by top leaders that have walked your walk and are now extremely successful entrepreneurs.
Each month, you will receive time-tested million dollar strategies that took DSWA Masters from their early days in direct sales to the top of their company's pay plan.
Each monthly CD series is full of fresh ideas, inspirational stories and step-by-step plans for mastering direct sales from the ground up. These mentors have achieved a monumental level of success and come to you with a desire and willingness to share their proven insights.|
"I personally just finished listening to the Dec/Jan mentor CD with Beth Jacobs one of the top consultants with her Direct Selling company, talking about setting up your plan and achieving goals and WOW! I learned so much and plan to listen to it over and over again!" Sue
With your initial monthly subscription of $19.95, you will receive:
. A CD Carrying case to hold a year's worth of mentoring.
. A bonus CD from DSWA founding partners Nicki Keohohou and Grace Keohohou, "Empowering Words - Enlightened Vocabulary for Transformational Results."
. The current month's CD - Me! "Building Relationships Online with Sue Seward"
. Exclusive access to the Mentored by the Masters Resource area featuring articles, tips and action steps related to the monthly topic.
Your monthly investment for the series will be $19.95 and includes shipping and handling. (Note: Your credit card will automatically be charged each month for your subscription and your CD will be shipped to the address we have on file for you. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied, you can cancel your subscription at any time.)
Join me this month by subscribing to the Mentored By The Masters program for only $19.95!
Why take the difficult path of trial and error when you have another alternative? Subscribe today, and you can learn from those who have mastered the fundamentals of sponsoring, selling, team building and more.
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward - Entrepreneur
Independent Director - Scent-Sations, Inc.
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Co-Author - "Build It Big" - 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts
You were excited about the prospect of working for yourself and motivated to really "make a go" of your business. In the early days, you probably learned a painful lesson or two.
Fast forward to today. You're moving forward and you may realize you have more questions than answers; questions about time management, balancing the demands of a growing organization and keeping sight of your real goals.
Why not take a quicker route to success?
I'm excited to share with you a fantastic program from the DSWA called: Mentored by the Masters: Proven tips and strategies for greater passion, purpose and profits.
Guess who is this month's featured Mentor? That's right-me! I invite you to participate in this valuable program that brings years of direct selling experience right to your door!
You will learn strategies taught by top leaders that have walked your walk and are now extremely successful entrepreneurs.
Each month, you will receive time-tested million dollar strategies that took DSWA Masters from their early days in direct sales to the top of their company's pay plan.
Each monthly CD series is full of fresh ideas, inspirational stories and step-by-step plans for mastering direct sales from the ground up. These mentors have achieved a monumental level of success and come to you with a desire and willingness to share their proven insights.|
"I personally just finished listening to the Dec/Jan mentor CD with Beth Jacobs one of the top consultants with her Direct Selling company, talking about setting up your plan and achieving goals and WOW! I learned so much and plan to listen to it over and over again!" Sue
With your initial monthly subscription of $19.95, you will receive:
. A CD Carrying case to hold a year's worth of mentoring.
. A bonus CD from DSWA founding partners Nicki Keohohou and Grace Keohohou, "Empowering Words - Enlightened Vocabulary for Transformational Results."
. The current month's CD - Me! "Building Relationships Online with Sue Seward"
. Exclusive access to the Mentored by the Masters Resource area featuring articles, tips and action steps related to the monthly topic.
Your monthly investment for the series will be $19.95 and includes shipping and handling. (Note: Your credit card will automatically be charged each month for your subscription and your CD will be shipped to the address we have on file for you. If for some reason you are not completely satisfied, you can cancel your subscription at any time.)
Join me this month by subscribing to the Mentored By The Masters program for only $19.95!
Why take the difficult path of trial and error when you have another alternative? Subscribe today, and you can learn from those who have mastered the fundamentals of sponsoring, selling, team building and more.
Decide To Believe!
Sue Seward - Entrepreneur
Independent Director - Scent-Sations, Inc.
512-992-0327 Hm/Off
979-248-1020 Mobile
Co-Author - "Build It Big" - 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Don't Ever Give It Up! Give It Time!
Be sure to watch the short video at the end.
Copyright © 2002 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved. Revised 2009
Network Marketing takes time and effort. It's not always a cake walk and there’s no easy button!
It doesn't happen overnight and you do not get rich in a few short months. As professionals we have got to stop this insane hype because it can be detrimental to our profession!
Maybe this happens for a few. You know all the ones you read about in magazines who say they got a check for a bil-zillion dollars in a few short months! Then these few go out and flaunt their riches and make everyone think it's so easy!
This just isn't the reality of the industry. We've got to get realistic here. Until people start developing realistic goals, they will continue to frustrate themselves and most will quit.
With most of these stories we really never hear the behind the scenes true story of how these people got to the top so quickly do we? Trust me, there’s more to the story than we ever hear in the lime light of the stage.
It took me a lot of years to get to understand what to do and to learn the business. Developing into a leader has taken time. Before you can help other people it’s important to develop yourself. I had no business background, no corporate business background, no degrees, no contacts, and no credibility when I started. I was a stay at home mom and still am a tennis mom to this day.
Now I call myself a CEO MOM. It's a better feeling when you start to have people coming to you.
It's not been easy. I've stumbled and mumbled and made many mistakes but the one thing I have NOT done is GIVE UP.
It’s a constant learning and growing process too! I have gotten checks while learning, not huge insane money, but still a very nice four figure a month passive residual income that flows in month after month for working at HOME. I always realized that I would be underpaid in the beginning and I now know what the future holds for me as I stay on the course and continue building a solid foundation.
I've been able to stay home with my kids and take them and pick them up from school and taxi them to their activities. I haven't worked for someone else in over 17 years.
Ask people who say they quit their jobs in 6 months or a year to do Network Marketing full time really how many hours did they have to spend in the beginning to make that kind of money so quickly. More importantly, what sort of sacrifices did they have to make?
It might be a lot easier for a single guy named Joe ON THE GO with no wife, no kids, no house or yard to care for, to concentrate 16 to 18 hours a day on their Network Marketing business with no one to answer to, no kids to take to ball games, no diapers to change, babies to feed, no dinner to cook, no house to clean, no homework to help with, no groceries to shop for, no spouse to give attention to, etc.
This busy list of life goes on and on especially for women!
Because women are usually the caretakers and have not only the responsibility of building a multi-million dollar business but also the responsibility of caring for our families and sometimes that may include our own aging parents.
This is not’t meant to be an excuse. Everyone’s life situation is different. Many people must start in Network Marketing part-time because it’s necessary for them to work it around their job or around their full-time LIFE.
Most people have a full time job and many other obligations in their lives. Even with all this anyone can still build a Network Marketing business if they really take the little precious time they do have and be patient as their business grows in time AND most of all never never never give up. Then what happens is you develop leverage which gives you the ultimate and that’s FREEDOM. Just remember success always comes with a price.
Some people are just as happy with a part-time income from Network Marketing. Just remember to be realistic about the time frame involved according to your own particular situation and make sure you are sensitive to this fact in other people's lives.
When you decide that you want to change your career and start your own business and choose Network Marketing decide right then and there that you've got to give it at least 30 months of intent focus. Even if it’s only ONE hour a day make that one hour count.
Just think how long people stay in traditional jobs to retirement? 20, 25, 30 years? Then what do they have? If you do start a traditional business it will most likely take you at least 2 to 3 years to break even or maybe even longer. My husband and I had this discussion. He told me how long it would take him to start making a profit if he were to start his own Land Surveying business.
He said at least 4 years and he would have to spend a ton of money to even start his business. And if the economy goes so does his business. There's a lot more risk involved.
You also have a tremendous amount of overhead in a traditional business usually, depending on what sort of business you start. Start up cost are usually much higher than in starting a Network Marketing business.
In traditional business you still have to work hard, give it daily consistent effort, contact many many people, focus and commit, have desire, develop a PLAN, be organized, manage your time wisely....etc....the same thing we do in Network Marketing.
Find what many other people want and need. Become passionate about what you’re doing. Use the products yourself so you will become passionate and enthusiastic about what you’re sharing with others and WHY it’s important to you. Other people will see you walking your talk.
Be patient and stick with it. Be coach-able......find a good sponsor and experienced support team to work WITH you, not build it FOR you. Stayed focused and constantly stay involved in the loop. That means be on company and team conference calls to stay plugged in.
Constantly strive to be a leader. Be around successful people, watch them, do what they do, read what they read, go where they go.
Just DO IT and believe that you CAN!
Read everything you can about your company, the industry, constantly developing yourself and talk consistently about the industry to your business partners and other colleagues in the industry and of course to people in general that you meet. Don't forget to listen a lot too.
Attend every company function you can possibly get to! Attend leadership training seminars. Read books on leadership and business. Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson, Donald Trump are some of my business mentors. Some of the other mentors I've grown from the Women's tapes from Upline, Dani Johnson, Kim Klaver, Rod Nichols, Doug Firebaugh, Jim Rohn, John C. Maxwell, Mark Gorman, Brian Tracy, Todd Falcone, Susan Sly, Brian Tracy, Ali Brown, Art Jonak, Michael Clouse, John C. Maxwell, the upline mentors in my company, and so many many others that I have met and learned from over the years. Google their names and you'll find their training, coaching and resources. See who you click with that fits your values. Go with YOUR hot button!
There is a list of coaches, and Masters training audios at -
Alien yourself with positive like minded people who also have the desire to succeed. Join organizations like the DSWA Direct Selling Women’s Alliance - MyDSWA.org
Facebook.com and other training areas, networking or social communities online to feed and grow your mindset.
Look for successful business minded people in your community. Learn all you can from them and bring them into your business. If this is not for them then ask for referrals. This is what I've done in the last nine years. I've associated myself with very successful positive people and I'm sticking with them like glue! Here I am a little ole stay at home mommy working closely with people who are self-made millionaires and teaching me how to become one too.
Can you do this business alone? Yes you could, but it could be much tougher. That would be similar to being in a traditional business wouldn't it?
Remember to always think of the other person first, and ask them questions....take an interest in other people and sincerely try to help them. Building relationships is so important in this business. Whether you're online or offline always build the relationship first.
When you do people will gravitate towards you!
Jim Rohn says "Success Is Not To Be Pursued, It Is To Be Attracted By The Person You Become."
There are a few things that are absolutely crucial to your success in this business:
*Being consistent on a daily basis with your contacting and filling your pipeline. This one is one of the MOST crucial of all.
Make sure you are consistent! Do something every single day for your business! No matter what! Even if all you have is ONE hour a day do something for your business! It's important not to go
one day without doing something to grow your business another step up because I can almost bet you the farm that if you go one day it will turn into two, then three, then four then a week, a month goes by and you have not done anything for your business. You could become discouraged, frustrated, and guess what happens?
YOU’LL QUIT! DO SOMETHING EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Even if it’s answering ONE email, calling ONE person, taking your products, listening to a conference call, etc. Do whatever you can to make that commitment to do something everyday for your business.
Stay plugged into the loop with your company, your team, your upline, your organization and your profession.
*Follow up in a timely manner
*and NEVER Give Up!
How successful you are really depends on how many contacts you are making on a daily basis -
Jim Rohn also says "What You Lack In Skill You Make Up In Numbers".
You will get rejected too so just be ready for it! It's really a good thing. I've been there too. The ones that can handle the most rejection WIN because they will grow the most, become leaders and leaders are paid more.
Remember -
Following up is where most people drop the ball! I've seen it so many times with people and admit I have also been guilty of not following up when new to the business.
I was so afraid of the rejection. Now it’s a welcome advantage. If someone says no that's ok! When you build your mindset it just stops bothering you as much when people say no thanks. Just means no thanks this isn't for me. It doesn't mean it's not for YOU!
Taking it personally will only take your focus off achieving your own plans and dreams.
If you are not able to follow up in a timely manner ask one of your business partners to follow up with your contact because not following up because of fear or because you've lost your focus puts your business at risk for going stagnant.
Can you imagine being a 22 year old and discovering Network Marketing as your niche, finding the right mentor, and giving it 36 months of consistent, focused efforts with the right company and only ONE company, product, timing and experienced mentors? These young people could be set for life.
Could you also imagine leaving a million dollars in cash sitting on the table and getting up and walking away?!! That's what you're doing when you QUIT your Network Marketing business.
Well no matter how young or old you are you can still benefit from Network Marketing today.
It’s been a pleasure to have found Network Marketing when I did. Deciding to learn and grow through ALL the experiences, good AND bad, but most of all, never giving up no matter what, has created LEVERAGE and that my friends is an ultimate benefit in Network Marketing.

This is a photo of our son James who just turned 16 in December. James was born almost 2 1/2 months early in December of 1992. He was supposed to come into this world in March but decided it was time to come early! He was only 3 lbs which was really big as the doctors expected he would be about a lb and half. It was a struggle for him to breath so he was on oxygen, but only for 15 hours. He was a fighter!
He had to stay in the hospital for two months before we could bring him home which was one of the most joyous occasions of our life even though he had to be on a monitor for over a month. We quickly discovered that he was not going to stay in that situation long as he fought to free himself from those lead wires that were holding him down! haha!
He's now 6' tall! James started playing tennis when he was ten giving up soccer and baseball for the love of the match. So the summer before he started ninth grade we decided to move him to Austin because he was accepted to play level 1 tennis for the Austin Tennis Academy. This was made possible because of the career I had built over the years in Network Marketing.
Last summer the head coach chose James, one of the most quiet young men they had ever met, to do the end of year speech. James had to write the speech himself. He had never even taken speech in school or done anything like this!
Being a part of this academy has given him leadership skills that make him stretch so he accepted the challenge and we were so proud of him. They said that James had started as a heavy mediocre tennis player and was the player to develop the most that previous year including losing over 30 lbs!
He is still fighting his way to champs so it's been a marathon and not a sprint. James is determined to never give up!
Don’t ever give up! Decide To Believe that you CAN!
Sue Seward
Sue is an entrepreneur and top income earner in the Network Marketing industry, who has been networking and making connections from home online since 1996. She encourages self-growth and shows people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term passive residual income. She also enjoys public speaking and is a published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. To subscribe to her Online Marketing Networking 101-eCourse visit:
"Keep on doing good, and in proper season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
Copyright © 2002 by Sue Seward. All Rights Reserved. Revised 2009
Network Marketing takes time and effort. It's not always a cake walk and there’s no easy button!
It doesn't happen overnight and you do not get rich in a few short months. As professionals we have got to stop this insane hype because it can be detrimental to our profession!
Maybe this happens for a few. You know all the ones you read about in magazines who say they got a check for a bil-zillion dollars in a few short months! Then these few go out and flaunt their riches and make everyone think it's so easy!
This just isn't the reality of the industry. We've got to get realistic here. Until people start developing realistic goals, they will continue to frustrate themselves and most will quit.
With most of these stories we really never hear the behind the scenes true story of how these people got to the top so quickly do we? Trust me, there’s more to the story than we ever hear in the lime light of the stage.
It took me a lot of years to get to understand what to do and to learn the business. Developing into a leader has taken time. Before you can help other people it’s important to develop yourself. I had no business background, no corporate business background, no degrees, no contacts, and no credibility when I started. I was a stay at home mom and still am a tennis mom to this day.
Now I call myself a CEO MOM. It's a better feeling when you start to have people coming to you.
It's not been easy. I've stumbled and mumbled and made many mistakes but the one thing I have NOT done is GIVE UP.
It’s a constant learning and growing process too! I have gotten checks while learning, not huge insane money, but still a very nice four figure a month passive residual income that flows in month after month for working at HOME. I always realized that I would be underpaid in the beginning and I now know what the future holds for me as I stay on the course and continue building a solid foundation.
I've been able to stay home with my kids and take them and pick them up from school and taxi them to their activities. I haven't worked for someone else in over 17 years.
Ask people who say they quit their jobs in 6 months or a year to do Network Marketing full time really how many hours did they have to spend in the beginning to make that kind of money so quickly. More importantly, what sort of sacrifices did they have to make?
It might be a lot easier for a single guy named Joe ON THE GO with no wife, no kids, no house or yard to care for, to concentrate 16 to 18 hours a day on their Network Marketing business with no one to answer to, no kids to take to ball games, no diapers to change, babies to feed, no dinner to cook, no house to clean, no homework to help with, no groceries to shop for, no spouse to give attention to, etc.
This busy list of life goes on and on especially for women!
Because women are usually the caretakers and have not only the responsibility of building a multi-million dollar business but also the responsibility of caring for our families and sometimes that may include our own aging parents.
This is not’t meant to be an excuse. Everyone’s life situation is different. Many people must start in Network Marketing part-time because it’s necessary for them to work it around their job or around their full-time LIFE.
Most people have a full time job and many other obligations in their lives. Even with all this anyone can still build a Network Marketing business if they really take the little precious time they do have and be patient as their business grows in time AND most of all never never never give up. Then what happens is you develop leverage which gives you the ultimate and that’s FREEDOM. Just remember success always comes with a price.
Some people are just as happy with a part-time income from Network Marketing. Just remember to be realistic about the time frame involved according to your own particular situation and make sure you are sensitive to this fact in other people's lives.
When you decide that you want to change your career and start your own business and choose Network Marketing decide right then and there that you've got to give it at least 30 months of intent focus. Even if it’s only ONE hour a day make that one hour count.
Just think how long people stay in traditional jobs to retirement? 20, 25, 30 years? Then what do they have? If you do start a traditional business it will most likely take you at least 2 to 3 years to break even or maybe even longer. My husband and I had this discussion. He told me how long it would take him to start making a profit if he were to start his own Land Surveying business.
He said at least 4 years and he would have to spend a ton of money to even start his business. And if the economy goes so does his business. There's a lot more risk involved.
You also have a tremendous amount of overhead in a traditional business usually, depending on what sort of business you start. Start up cost are usually much higher than in starting a Network Marketing business.
In traditional business you still have to work hard, give it daily consistent effort, contact many many people, focus and commit, have desire, develop a PLAN, be organized, manage your time wisely....etc....the same thing we do in Network Marketing.
Find what many other people want and need. Become passionate about what you’re doing. Use the products yourself so you will become passionate and enthusiastic about what you’re sharing with others and WHY it’s important to you. Other people will see you walking your talk.
Be patient and stick with it. Be coach-able......find a good sponsor and experienced support team to work WITH you, not build it FOR you. Stayed focused and constantly stay involved in the loop. That means be on company and team conference calls to stay plugged in.
Constantly strive to be a leader. Be around successful people, watch them, do what they do, read what they read, go where they go.
Just DO IT and believe that you CAN!
Read everything you can about your company, the industry, constantly developing yourself and talk consistently about the industry to your business partners and other colleagues in the industry and of course to people in general that you meet. Don't forget to listen a lot too.
Attend every company function you can possibly get to! Attend leadership training seminars. Read books on leadership and business. Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson, Donald Trump are some of my business mentors. Some of the other mentors I've grown from the Women's tapes from Upline, Dani Johnson, Kim Klaver, Rod Nichols, Doug Firebaugh, Jim Rohn, John C. Maxwell, Mark Gorman, Brian Tracy, Todd Falcone, Susan Sly, Brian Tracy, Ali Brown, Art Jonak, Michael Clouse, John C. Maxwell, the upline mentors in my company, and so many many others that I have met and learned from over the years. Google their names and you'll find their training, coaching and resources. See who you click with that fits your values. Go with YOUR hot button!
There is a list of coaches, and Masters training audios at -
Alien yourself with positive like minded people who also have the desire to succeed. Join organizations like the DSWA Direct Selling Women’s Alliance - MyDSWA.org
Facebook.com and other training areas, networking or social communities online to feed and grow your mindset.
Look for successful business minded people in your community. Learn all you can from them and bring them into your business. If this is not for them then ask for referrals. This is what I've done in the last nine years. I've associated myself with very successful positive people and I'm sticking with them like glue! Here I am a little ole stay at home mommy working closely with people who are self-made millionaires and teaching me how to become one too.
Can you do this business alone? Yes you could, but it could be much tougher. That would be similar to being in a traditional business wouldn't it?
Remember to always think of the other person first, and ask them questions....take an interest in other people and sincerely try to help them. Building relationships is so important in this business. Whether you're online or offline always build the relationship first.
When you do people will gravitate towards you!
Jim Rohn says "Success Is Not To Be Pursued, It Is To Be Attracted By The Person You Become."
There are a few things that are absolutely crucial to your success in this business:
*Being consistent on a daily basis with your contacting and filling your pipeline. This one is one of the MOST crucial of all.
Make sure you are consistent! Do something every single day for your business! No matter what! Even if all you have is ONE hour a day do something for your business! It's important not to go
one day without doing something to grow your business another step up because I can almost bet you the farm that if you go one day it will turn into two, then three, then four then a week, a month goes by and you have not done anything for your business. You could become discouraged, frustrated, and guess what happens?
YOU’LL QUIT! DO SOMETHING EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Even if it’s answering ONE email, calling ONE person, taking your products, listening to a conference call, etc. Do whatever you can to make that commitment to do something everyday for your business.
Stay plugged into the loop with your company, your team, your upline, your organization and your profession.
*Follow up in a timely manner
*and NEVER Give Up!
How successful you are really depends on how many contacts you are making on a daily basis -
Jim Rohn also says "What You Lack In Skill You Make Up In Numbers".
You will get rejected too so just be ready for it! It's really a good thing. I've been there too. The ones that can handle the most rejection WIN because they will grow the most, become leaders and leaders are paid more.
Remember -
Following up is where most people drop the ball! I've seen it so many times with people and admit I have also been guilty of not following up when new to the business.
I was so afraid of the rejection. Now it’s a welcome advantage. If someone says no that's ok! When you build your mindset it just stops bothering you as much when people say no thanks. Just means no thanks this isn't for me. It doesn't mean it's not for YOU!
Taking it personally will only take your focus off achieving your own plans and dreams.
If you are not able to follow up in a timely manner ask one of your business partners to follow up with your contact because not following up because of fear or because you've lost your focus puts your business at risk for going stagnant.
Can you imagine being a 22 year old and discovering Network Marketing as your niche, finding the right mentor, and giving it 36 months of consistent, focused efforts with the right company and only ONE company, product, timing and experienced mentors? These young people could be set for life.
Could you also imagine leaving a million dollars in cash sitting on the table and getting up and walking away?!! That's what you're doing when you QUIT your Network Marketing business.
Well no matter how young or old you are you can still benefit from Network Marketing today.
It’s been a pleasure to have found Network Marketing when I did. Deciding to learn and grow through ALL the experiences, good AND bad, but most of all, never giving up no matter what, has created LEVERAGE and that my friends is an ultimate benefit in Network Marketing.

This is a photo of our son James who just turned 16 in December. James was born almost 2 1/2 months early in December of 1992. He was supposed to come into this world in March but decided it was time to come early! He was only 3 lbs which was really big as the doctors expected he would be about a lb and half. It was a struggle for him to breath so he was on oxygen, but only for 15 hours. He was a fighter!
He had to stay in the hospital for two months before we could bring him home which was one of the most joyous occasions of our life even though he had to be on a monitor for over a month. We quickly discovered that he was not going to stay in that situation long as he fought to free himself from those lead wires that were holding him down! haha!
He's now 6' tall! James started playing tennis when he was ten giving up soccer and baseball for the love of the match. So the summer before he started ninth grade we decided to move him to Austin because he was accepted to play level 1 tennis for the Austin Tennis Academy. This was made possible because of the career I had built over the years in Network Marketing.
Last summer the head coach chose James, one of the most quiet young men they had ever met, to do the end of year speech. James had to write the speech himself. He had never even taken speech in school or done anything like this!
Being a part of this academy has given him leadership skills that make him stretch so he accepted the challenge and we were so proud of him. They said that James had started as a heavy mediocre tennis player and was the player to develop the most that previous year including losing over 30 lbs!
He is still fighting his way to champs so it's been a marathon and not a sprint. James is determined to never give up!
Don’t ever give up! Decide To Believe that you CAN!
Sue Seward
Sue is an entrepreneur and top income earner in the Network Marketing industry, who has been networking and making connections from home online since 1996. She encourages self-growth and shows people how to develop valuable connections online and turn them into lasting relationships for long term passive residual income. She also enjoys public speaking and is a published author of numerous print and electronic articles as well as coauthor of the book 'Build It Big: 101 Insider Secrets From Top Direct Selling Experts'. To subscribe to her Online Marketing Networking 101-eCourse visit:
"Keep on doing good, and in proper season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9
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